Winter Palace
Winter Palace Winter Palace Winter Palace Winter Palace Winter Palace Winter Palace Winter Palace Winter Palace Winter Palace
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Monument #Architecture #Museum #Musée #Palace/Residential
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"UNESCO World Heritage A dazzling Baroque creation now decorated in green and white, the Winter Palace is so named because it became the winter residence of the Russian tsars. It was originally commissioned by Empress Elizabeth I, daughter of Peter the Great, and was built between 1754 and 1762. Elizabeth died before it was completed, but it was used by Catherine the Great and her successors. It remained a royal home until imperial rule was ended by the revolution of 1917. The palace's Italian architect, Bartolomeo Rastrelli, produced a stunning lesson in lavish Baroque architecture, employing a riot of decorative features across the palace's three stories ranging from Corinthian capitals and numerous sculptures to beautifully curvaceous moldings. Although the whole building exudes an elegant symmetry, each facade has decorative differences that make every view of the palace an artistic surprise. The interior is no less sumptuous, with more than 1,000 luxuriously decorated rooms and halls. In 1837 the palace burned to the ground, but it was rebuilt two years later to Rastrelli's original design. Since then it has formed a dramatic backdrop to Russian history. The 1905 revolution was sparked when workers who had marched to the palace to present a petition to Tsar Nicholas I were attacked by imperial troops. The palace was later stormed during the 1917 revolution. Today the Hermitage complex, which includes the palace, is one of the world's leading art museums and galleries, a role begun by Catherine the Great in the 1760s when she hung a great art collection there. Exhibits range from ancient Egyptian artifacts to the work of Leonardo da Vinci, Cézanne, and an enormous selection of Russian art. It is said that if viewers devoted one minute to each exhibit, it would take them eleven years to see the whole collection."


"Le palais d'hiver des Tsars, transformé en musée depuis."


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