Old Jewish Cemetery
Old Jewish Cemetery Old Jewish Cemetery Old Jewish Cemetery Old Jewish Cemetery Old Jewish Cemetery Old Jewish Cemetery Old Jewish Cemetery Old Jewish Cemetery

Vieux Cimetière Juif - Prague

Le Vieux Cimetière Juif de Prague est un monument historique fascinant qui mérite une visite. Avec ses 12000 stèles datant du 15ème siècle, ce cimetière est l'un des plus grands d'Europe. La visite est payante, mais cela vaut vraiment le coup. Ne manquez pas de prendre l'audio guide pour ne rien manquer de cette balade culturelle. En plus de la visite du cimetière, le billet comprend également l'accès à quatre synagogues et à un musée. Profitez de cette occasion pour plonger dans l'histoire et la culture juive de Prague. Le Vieux Cimetière Juif est un incontournable du quartier juif de Prague, à ne pas manquer lors de votre visite de la ville.

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"Quartier Josefov (quartier juif). A voir : cimetière juif, six sinagogues, musée des arts déco, Hôtel de Ville juif. "


"A la limite du surréalisme. Les tombes paraissent pousser comme des champignons, serrées et penchées cherchant à se faire une place. L’arrière cour d’une maison de sorcière. De recueillir sur la tombe du Maharal de Prague, un grand tzadik."


"Plus ancien cimetière juif d’europe (12000 stèles)"


"400 CZK pour visiter le cimetière, 4 synagogues et un musée "


"cimetiere juif payant sauf si coolpass"


"Acheter billet combiné dans une synagogue "


"tôt le matin: ambiance.... lever la tête, superbes et parfois délirants édifices art nouveau du début du 20ème siècle "


"Pas visité mais vu de haut, impressionnant"


"Avec la neige ça donne un côté sympa "


"Accès au cimetière compris dans le prix du billet d’entrée au musée "


"A must to do the Jewish neighborhood (several places to see)"


"Very fascinating and beautiful cemetery"


"Värt ett besök! Mäktig gravplats och man får besöka synagogor i närheten i museets biljett."


"🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ billet forfaitaire "


"Comme il n’y avait pas assez de places et qu’il est interdit de violer une sépulture, les tombes ont fini par s’entasser les unes sur les autres. Aujourd’hui on assiste à un véritable champ de tombes et de pierres tombales. Un lieu unique en son genre qui mérite d’être visité. (@brunomaltor)"


"Billet combiné avec la synagogue espagnole bien mais sans plus "


"The Jewish cemetery contains about 12,000 tombstones but the graves are many more, because many have sunk into the ground and the wooden ones have been destroyed over the centuries. Many were voluntarily buried because religious customs forbid moving the graves, so additional soil was brought in several times to cover older ones. Over the centuries this has given rise to 12 levels with the gravestones on the surface that were saved from burial. The most important tomb is undoubtedly that of the legendary Rabbi Loew, which has always been associated with the legend of the Golem of Prague. According to this legend, the Golem is a mud creature created by Rabbi Loew to defend the Jews of the ghetto from persecution. The Golem is a figure that could only be created by rabbis who knew the magical art and through the same techniques that God had used to create Adam. The Golem of Prague is a very strong, obedient but soulless being who could be used for hard work or for the defense of persecuted Jews. The Golem of Prague had the word "truth" (emet in Hebrew) engraved on his forehead, which the rabbi wrote to awaken the golems he created with mud. When the golems became too large and unmanageable, the rabbi deleted the letter e from emet, turning the word on their forehead into "death" (Hebrew met). When one of the escaped golems made more trouble than expected, the rabbi stopped using the Golems by hiding them in the attic of the Old New Synagogue in Prague, where according to legend they are still found today."


"Löw rabbi nyughelye is. A legenda szerint ő alkotta Moldva parti agyagból és vérből Gólemet, egy óriást, akit miután kiszabadult a kontrollja alól, agyagtömbbé változtatott. Maradványait a legenda szerint máig őrzi a Régi-új zsinagóga. A rabbi sírköve keresett látnivaló, repedéseibe a látogatók három kívánsággal megírt cédulákat dugdosnak."


"cimetière juif mystique bordélique fermé le samedi dimanche au vendredi : 9h-18h environ 4€"


"es una de las visitas imprescindibles del barrio, en la que podrás ver como en un espacio reducido, las lápidas de piedra se acumulan unas encima de otras, de forma arbitraria"


"stanza con i disegni dei bambini del ghetto"


"if you don’t have time/don’t want to spend money on it: there’s a cute window in the wall next to the university entrance (Faculty of Arts: if you look at the entrance go left, cross the street and there you go!) from where you can see the cemetery! "


"Plus d'infos dans le Cartoville Prague 2020 (Quartier B) ! Commandez le guide ici : https://bit.ly/2M3FPAD"


"Lisätietoja kohteista löydät Kartta+Opas Prahan sivuilta. Tilaa opas tästä: https://bit.ly/34XyB8b"


"Plus d'infos dans le Cartoville Prague 2020 (Quartier B) ! Commandez le guide ici : https://bit.ly/2M3FPAD"


"Plus d'infos dans le Cartoville Prague 2020 (Quartier B) ! Commandez le guide ici : https://bit.ly/2M3FPAD"


"C'est l'un des lieux de Prague les plus chargés d'histoire et de mystère. Ce cimetière a été fondé au XVe siècle sur un terrain si exigu que"


"Vieux cimetière juif de Prague Michelin **"


"UNESCO World Heritage Prague had a thriving Jewish community from the twelfth century until the late nineteenth century, when a large section of the Jewish district was demolished by the municipal authorities to make way for new four-story Art Nouveau tenements intended to give Prague a more cosmopolitan appearance. The diminished Jewish population was then virtually eliminated by the Holocaust in World War Il and only a few families lived here during the communist era. Since the democratic reforms of 1989, the Jewish population has grown, but there are probably no more than 2,000 Jews in Prague today. The Old Jewish Cemetery is at the heart of the Josefov district, which had been the Jewish Quarter, north of the Old Town Square. In use from the mid-fifteenth century (the oldest tomb dates from 1439) until 1787, the walled cemetery, partially shaded by dark trees, is literally crammed with headstones with fading Hebrew inscriptions. The number of people buried here far exceeds the 12,000 or so headstones. As the area of the cemetery was fixed, earth was brought in and new graves were created on top of the existing layers. The older headstones are of sandstone and the newer stones are of white and pink marble, and they seem to tumble over one another like crystals in a cavern. Among the sixteenth-century graves are those of Rabbi Löw, creator of the Golem legend, the mathematician David Gaus, and Mordechai Maisel, a Jewish mayor responsible for substantially extending the Jewish quarter. The cemetery is atmospheric and peaceful and stands as a poignant memorial to the thriving Jewish communities of earlier centuries. The cemetery is open to the public every day, and is near Prague's five remaining synagogues and the Jewish Museum."


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