Helena's Hawaiian Food
Helena's Hawaiian Food Helena's Hawaiian Food Helena's Hawaiian Food Helena's Hawaiian Food Helena's Hawaiian Food Helena's Hawaiian Food Helena's Hawaiian Food Helena's Hawaiian Food Helena's Hawaiian Food
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Hawaiian #Food #Hawaii #Ristorante
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"James bears casual authentic Hawaiian eater "


"As you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, you shouldn’t judge a restaurant by it either. Off the beaten path, amongst a Honolulu neighborhood you’ll find Helena’s, she’s been serving authentic Hawaiian plates since 1946. And in 2000, she won a James Beard Award. I ordered the Kalua Pig with cabbage and Luau Chicken (like a slow simmered green coconut curry}. Amazing. Do not miss this spot. Cash only, most likely a wait."


"If you’re only going to one spot for traditional Hawaiian food, make it Helena’s. Locals have been lining up since the day Helena’s opened in 1946, though a James Beard America’s Classics award in 2000 has brought in even more diners. First-timers should order set menu D, which comes with kalua pig, lomi salmon, pipikaula (air-dried, juicy short ribs, quick-fried for crunch), and squid lū’au (a savory dish of octopus and taro leaves in coconut milk), along with poi or rice. "


"Foodies 1st The Best Sandwiches In Every State And Where To Find Them; kalua pork sandwich "


"Lunch Eater Not Gavrie friendly "


"Great spot for authentic Hawaiian food. Get the short ribs with all the fixings!!"


"Tuesday-Friday 10am-7:30pm Recommend to try set menu D: kalua pig, Lomi salmon, pipikaula (short ribs), squid luau"


"Go there early, there’s a line up! Things to order: kalbi ribs, or order à la carte and get a variety of things. "


"Best recommended Hawaiian food, highly recommend"


"Menu D with a taste of everything "


"10h-19h30 : mar vendredi, plat à partir de 3$"


"Monday Closed Tuesday 10AM–7:30PM Wednesday 10AM–7:30PM Thursday 10AM–7:30PM Friday 10AM–7:30PM Saturday Closed Sunday Closed"


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