Baltra Bar
Baltra Bar Baltra Bar Baltra Bar Baltra Bar Baltra Bar Baltra Bar Baltra Bar Baltra Bar
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"#45 best bar in the world"




"one of the best bars in the Americas. It’s a tiny joint with a big personality, that’s always worth stopping by before a big night out in Condesa."


"Although this intimate bar in Mexico City’s chic Colonia Condesa has been open for nearly eight years, drinking there still feels like stumbling upon an unexpected treasure. Perhaps it’s because of its laid-back yet sophisticated atmosphere, courtesy of the mix of regulars, newcomers, and foreigners drinking there nightly. But it’s probably because the award-winning staff, led by bar director José Luis León – also of Licorería Limantour fame – keeps reinventing the menu, giving guests new reasons to come back. The latest menu, inspired by adaptation and camouflage, features creations like the Hipocampo, with nori-infused tequila, dill cordials, lime and sparkling water. It makes sense that the bar is named after one of the islands visited by Charles Darwin during his travels across the Galapagos – here, evolution is a constant. Classics are expertly and deliciously crafted, too, especially Martinis, which even have their own day: the beloved Martini Tuesdays (Martes de Martinis)."


"No. 45 Worlds 100 Best Bars 2023 (72 in 2020)"


"Bons cocktails. Par contre non pour la bouffe "


"Buzz to get in... four o clock punch or hot toddy. Darwin theme"


"stylish fancy and expensive cocktail bar"


" Wonderful bar recommended by Food52."


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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