The Sheep Heid Inn
The Sheep Heid Inn The Sheep Heid Inn The Sheep Heid Inn The Sheep Heid Inn The Sheep Heid Inn The Sheep Heid Inn The Sheep Heid Inn The Sheep Heid Inn The Sheep Heid Inn
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"Plus vieux pub d'Édimbourg ! Service agréable A essayer en restaurant"


"3. The Sheep Heid Inn : L'un des plus anciens pubs d'Écosse, situé dans la banlieue de Duddingston, il propose une cuisine écossaise authentique dans un cadre charmant."


"Fucking decent little boozer for post Arthur's seat"


"Dicono sia il pub più antico di Edimburgo, ha una pista da bowling all'interno "


"Ambiance pub, très beau, nourriture anglaise et Skittle alley "


"pub trop bien après etre monte en haut d'Holyrood"


"I NEED to try their Sunday Roast!"


"Plus vieux pub d Edimbourg "


"plus vieux pub d’ecosse 1360"


"Autre lieu en dehors des sentiers battus : Un pub de campagne au pied du volcan de l’Arthur’s Seat dans l’un des derniers villages d’Edimbourg. Fondé en 1360, c’est le plus vieux pub d’Ecosse. L’intérieur est cosy et charmant mais sa caractéristique la plus insolite est son jeu de quille (un bowling) vieux de plusieurs siècles. La célèbre reine Mary of Scots y aurait jouer plusieurs fois."


"Village incroyable (derrriere arthur) "


"Elegant pub in the suburbs of Edinburgh. One of the oldest pubs in the city! "


"Supposedly the oldest pub in Scotland, the Sheep’s Heid is tucked away in the village of Duddingston. Apparently King James liked the place enough that he gifted them a fancy snuff box (a replica of which is on the wall). The fish and chips here are a little upscale for my liking, but still very, very good. And the building and bar itself is a museum to a much (MUCH) older time. This place can fill up—even in the off-season, so be prepared to wait if you haven’t made a reservation."


"Also have a vegan menu if you ask :)"


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