Hospice Cabañas
Hospice Cabañas Hospice Cabañas Hospice Cabañas Hospice Cabañas Hospice Cabañas Hospice Cabañas Hospice Cabañas Hospice Cabañas Hospice Cabañas
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Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
certified badge Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO

Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO


74885followers 1041places
"The Hospicio Cabañas was built at the beginning of the 19th century to provide care and shelter for the disadvantaged – orphans, old people, the handicapped and chronic invalids. This remarkable complex, which incorporates several unusual features designed specifically to meet the needs of its occupants, was unique for its time. It is also notable for the harmonious relationship between the open and built spaces, the simplicity of its design, and its size. In the early 20th century, the chapel was decorated with a superb series of murals, now considered some of the masterpieces of Mexican art. They are the work of José Clemente Orozco, one of the greatest Mexican muralists of the period. The Committee decided to inscribe this property on the basis of criteria (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), considering that the Hospicio Cabañas is a unique architectural complex, designed to respond to social and economic requirements for housing the sick, the aged, the young, and the needy, which provides an outstanding solution of great subtlety and humanity. It also houses one of the acknowledged masterpieces of mural art. 📸 © Fabienkhan"
certified badge FÈS - MEKNÈS



69followers 205places
"Cet imposant édifice de style néoclassique est l'oeuvre du célèbre architecte espagnol Manuel Tolsá. Il a été construit au début du XIX e siècle par ordre de l'évêque Juan Cruz Ruiz de Cabañas pour servir de maison d'acceuil aux enfants orphelins et démunis. Au fil des déambulations dans cet impressionnant labyrinthe architectural, on peut, entre autres, découvrir les fresques de José Clemente Orozco peintes sur les voûtes du bâtiment central. On y organise divers événements (danse, musique, théâtre) et, surtout, les meilleures expositions temporaires de la ville."
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