Tiananmen Square
Tiananmen Square Tiananmen Square Tiananmen Square Tiananmen Square Tiananmen Square Tiananmen Square Tiananmen Square Tiananmen Square Tiananmen Square
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"The Tiananmen or Laman Gate (Gate of Heavenly Peacel was one of the four main entrances to Beijing's Forbidden City, and has since given its name to the enormous plaza of Tiananmen Square. This stretches some 2,887 feet (880 m) from north to south and 1,640 feet (500 m) from east to west, making it the largest urban square in the world. Work on the Tiananmen began in 1417 as part of the Ming Dynasty's development of the Forbidden City, although it was the renovation work in 1699 that gave it the general appearance we know today. Until the twentieth century, the area in front of the Tiananmen was occupied by government offices, and it was only as a result of damage caused during the Boxer Rebellion of 1902 that the area was cleared, in the early 1950s the clearances were extended further south with the removal of the Gate of China and the small streets that had grown up around it. In the Mac era several major. buildings were built around the square, including the Great Hall of the People, the National Museum, and the Mao Zedong Memorial Hall, which holds the embaimed body of the 'Great Helmsman”, Mao Zedong, who died in 1976. Tlananmen Square has achieved prominence and even notoriety for the political events that have occurred there. On October 1, 1949, Mao proclaimed the People's Republic of China in the square which then became the site of the mass pro-gavemment demonstrations and parades that were such a feature of communism. More recently the square has witnessed protest demonstrations notably from the Democracy Movement These demonstrations culminated in the protest of 1989 which was eventually crushed wish great brutality by the authorities, with one source suggesting that 186 protesters were killed in the fighting."


"VLOG #101 JE DÉBARQUE À PÉKIN !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1NvxwKhghU&list=PLtwL6_uNHKrSS5os1R-_MvP3BPRkdEjPR&index=21"


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