Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie
Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie Yousef Hilalat - Local guide Jordanie

Yousef Hilalat - Monument incontournable à visiter en Jordanie

Yousef Hilalat est un monument à couper le souffle, véritable joyau de l'architecture jordanienne. Lors de votre visite à Jordanie, il est essentiel d'inclure cette étape incontournable dans votre itinéraire. Imprégnez-vous de la culture locale et de l'importance historique de ce site, offrant un aperçu fascinant de l'architecture traditionnelle de la région. Explorez les détails architecturaux uniques et laissez-vous émerveiller par la beauté de Yousef Hilalat, un lieu chargé d'histoire et de significations culturelles. Planifiez votre visite en tenant compte des conseils pratiques pour profiter pleinement de cette expérience mémorable.

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#Monument #Visite #Culture #Unesco #Architecture
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"Prévoyez de bonnes chaussures, 20 km au compteur pour 5h de marche. Bon plan : pensez à prendre le Jordan pass avant de partir ... "

"Poli 22.10.21 | UNESCO World Heritage Through a narrow gorge in the desert (al-Sig or "the shaft"), an ancient trail between spectacular sheer rock walls leads to the city of Petra. Forgotten by the West for centuries, Petra was rediscovered by the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt in 1812. Its origins are unclear, and its history is better known from around 300 B.C.E., when it thrived as the capital of the Arab Nabataeans, who controlled the caravan routes from Arabia to Syria. Petra fell under Roman control in the mid-first century B.CE. but remained autonomous until 106 c.E., when it became part of the province of Arabia Petraea. A change of trade routes and a powerful earthquake determined its decline, yet it was the seat of a bishopric during the Byzantine age and was included in the fortified system of the Crusaders. •Petra lies along the Wadi Musa (Valley of Moses), with buildings extending into the open valley from both sides of a central colonnaded street. It boasted a huge theater, imposing temples, and churches of the Christian era; an advanced hydraulic engineering system carried and stored rainwater. However, the fascination of Petra is its rock-cut edifices. Hundreds of monuments are carved in the primeval sandstone rock layers, whose colors, from pale yellows through reds to darker browns, inspired poet John William Burgon's description of Petra as a "rose-red city half as old as time." Remarkable are the monastery (El-Deir) and the royal tombs, but the finest structure is the treasury (El-Khaznat), a Nabataean tomb carved out of the mountain in Hellenistic style. According to legend, a cache of treasure was hidden at the top, and for a long time bedouins fired at its summit in the vain hope of being flooded by a shower of gold. The carved details of many of the monuments at Petra have suffered from weathering over the centuries, and an artificial sandstone product is being used to preserve surviving details for the future."


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