Mausolée de Hô Chi Minh
Mausolée de Hô Chi Minh Mausolée de Hô Chi Minh Mausolée de Hô Chi Minh Mausolée de Hô Chi Minh Mausolée de Hô Chi Minh Mausolée de Hô Chi Minh Mausolée de Hô Chi Minh Mausolée de Hô Chi Minh
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"Saturday 7 AM–5 PM Sunday 7 AM–5 PM Monday 7 AM–5 PM Tuesday 7 AM–5 PM Wednesday 7 AM–5 PM Thursday 7 AM–5 PM Friday 7 AM–5 PM"


"Tenue correcte exigée, pas de short & débardeur "


"Bemærk at der er krav til påklædning (dækkede knæ og skuldre) og der er særlige åbningstider. Fx lukket mandage. "


"Temple impérial de Thang Long"


"Bo non mi ispira ma è segnalato "


"Mausoleo di Ho Chi Min. Luogo sacro per il Vietnam"


"Mausolée de Ho Chi Minh l'oncle Ho repose dans un cercueil en verre"


"Horaires d'ouverture variables.. Regarder quand on est sur place Aller le matin (file) Tenue appropriée - gardes très strictes Entrée Gratuite/ à la tête du client"


"Ho Chi Minh’s preserved body"


"Born Nguyen Tat Thanh in 1890, Ho Chi Minh (meaning “he who enlightens") is a legend. Traveler, patriot, revolutionary, soldier, leader, he not only founded the Vietnamese Communist Party but was also a founding member of the French party. Leading resistance to the Japartese in Vietnam during World War II with his Viet Minh group, he capitalized on the power vacuum of the Japanese surrender. To a crowd of half a million in central Hanoi he declared Vietnamese independence in September 1945. The French did not accept this decision and tried to regain control in 1946. This led to war between the Viet Minh and the French, culminating in the division of Vietnam in 1954. Ho became president of North Vietnam and died in 1969 during the Vietnam War. Recognizing his iconic status, party officials decided to embalm the body and build a mausoleum on the spot where Ho had declared independence. A three story building made of native Vietnamese materials was designed and built. The body, clothed in a simple tunic and sandals, is held in a glass case in a gray, cubelike, squat building ringed with columns and topped with the words Chu Tich (President) Ho Chi Minh" Inside the foyer is the inscription: "There is nothing more precious than Independence and freedom”. The mausoleum stands in front of a large parade ground used for military displays. Today the mausoleum is the focus of Vietnamese commemorations of Ho. Nearby are the Ho Chi Minh Museum and also the president's former home, a simple wooden stilted house built in the traditional style consisting of only two rooms."


"On ne peut pas le visiter à l'intérieur mais il faut quand même aller voir : de jour et surtout de nuit "


"Ferme à 17h, bien sécurisé, fouilles à l’entrée du parc. "


"Ferme vers 17h. Tenue correcte exigée fetomi"


"possibilité de voir la relève de la garde"



"Mausolée à l'effigie de Ho Chi Minh, le libérateur du Vietnam face aux Français et aux États-Unis."


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