Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel

Angel - Meilleur restaurant indien à New York | Cuisine indienne authentique

Situé à New York, Angel est reconnu comme le plus authentique restaurant indien de la ville. Avec des plats indiens traditionnels tels que le biryani, le poulet au beurre et le paneer fait maison, Angel offre une expérience culinaire inoubliable. Le chef, ayant travaillé auparavant au restaurant Adda, propose une cuisine de qualité similaire mais à un prix plus abordable. Les clients recommandent particulièrement le biryani et le paneer, ainsi que les naans. Le restaurant est réputé pour son ambiance simple, son service excellent et sa cuisine de qualité. Ne manquez pas de goûter au biryani, au poulet au beurre et au paneer khurchan, des plats qui raviront vos papilles. Angel est un incontournable pour les amateurs de cuisine indienne à New York, offrant des plats de l'Inde du Nord et des spécialités comme le dum biryani et le paneer khurchan. Venez découvrir la magie de la cuisine indienne chez Angel, un restaurant qui mérite sa réputation d'excellence.

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Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Le plus authentique resto indien de NY"


"Livre : on se casse Indien"


"When you go to angel (bc you should!) I'd recommend kale pakoda (always wondered if this was a diff spelling of pakora or a different word btw if someone knows!), (preferably goat) biryani & a paneer dish & naan ofc. Everything I've tried there I liked (except the veg moille but maybe that's just not my thing) but imo those ones are easy wins. They make their own paneer and it's really special. The biryanis usually come out with a bit of showmanship which is fun and the kale pakoda is just a banger."


"The signature order is dum biryani—of course—capped in a dome of golden-brown pastry and filled with fragrant basmati rice, ginger, caramelized onions, and peas. But best of all might be the house-made paneer khurchan that arrives with a dark, zesty curry of tomatoes and peppers. Like everything else accompanied by sauce, it’s an item that thrives over rice and eats even better the next day."


"There are some cuisines that would buckle under the demands of a vegetarian-only menu, but in Chef Amrit Pal Singh’s no-frills restaurant, plate after plate will demonstrate the real magic of going meatless. Singh, who grew up in Punjab, keeps his Indian menu small, unlike countless other kitchens in bustling Jackson Heights; and everything arrives hot out of the pan. The signature order is dum biryani—of course—capped in a dome of golden-brown pastry and filled with fragrant basmati rice, ginger, caramelized onions, and peas. But best of all might be the house-made paneer khurchan that arrives with a dark, zesty curry of tomatoes and peppers. Like everything else accompanied by sauce, it’s an item that thrives over rice and eats even better the next day."


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