Nikkō Tōshō-gū
Nikkō Tōshō-gū Nikkō Tōshō-gū Nikkō Tōshō-gū Nikkō Tōshō-gū Nikkō Tōshō-gū Nikkō Tōshō-gū Nikkō Tōshō-gū Nikkō Tōshō-gū
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#Temple #Visite #Culture #Architecture #Nikko
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"le plus grand et le plus célèbre des sanctuaires de Nikkō ! L’entrée n’est pas donnée, comptez 1300 yens par personne, mais le lieu vaut vraiment le détour. Il regroupe de nombreuses choses à voir que ce soit en terme de monuments qu’en nature environnante. Prenez le temps d’admirer la superbe pagode Gojunoto à 5 étages, notre coup de cœur ! Et essayez de faire abstraction du monde …"


"Hallucinant !!!! Fin de renovation en mars 2024 Depuis gare tobu nikko : 25 min a pied 10 min en bus "


"Reco for takao, world heritage with the 3 monkeys statue "


"Toshogu Shrine (東照宮, Tōshōgū) is a magnificent memorial to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate, which ruled Japan for over 250 years until 1868. Ieyasu is enshrined at Toshogu as the deity Tosho Daigongen, "Great Deity of the East Shining Light". Initially a relatively simple mausoleum, Toshogu was enlarged into the spectacular complex seen today by Ieyasu's grandson Iemitsu during the first half of the 17th century. The lavishly decorated shrine complex consists of more than a dozen buildings set in a beautiful forest. Countless wood carvings and large amounts of gold leaf were used to decorate the buildings in a way not seen elsewhere in Japan, where simplicity has been traditionally stressed in shrine architecture. Visitors may note that Toshogu contains both Shinto and Buddhist elements. It was common for places of worship to contain elements of both religions until the Meiji Period when Shinto was deliberately separated from Buddhism. Across the country, Buddhist elements were removed from shrines and vice versa, but at Toshogu the two religions were so intermingled that the separation was not carried out completely. Toshogu and Nikko's other shrines and temples are located a 30-40 minute walk or 10 minute bus ride (350 yen one way, 600 yen day pass, covered by the Nikko Passes) from Tobu and JR Nikko stations. 9h00-17h00 1300 yen (shrine), 1000 yen (museum), 2100 yen (shrine and museum)"


"Templo en el que está enterrado el 1º Shogun"


"Across is food market (squid)"


"Une merveille dans une forêt de cèdres somptueuse."




"UNESCO-listed Tōshō-gū Shrine"


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