Kudu Restaurant
Kudu Restaurant Kudu Restaurant Kudu Restaurant Kudu Restaurant Kudu Restaurant Kudu Restaurant Kudu Restaurant Kudu Restaurant

Restaurant Kudu - Cuisine Sud-Africaine

Le restaurant Kudu est un lieu incontournable pour les amateurs de cuisine sud-africaine. Que ce soit pour un brunch ou un dîner, vous pourrez déguster des plats africains authentiques et savoureux. Notre menu propose une variété de plats inspirés de l'Afrique du Sud, allant des petits plats créatifs et délicieux aux plats plus raffinés. Notre équipe, dirigée par un jeune couple passionné, a su attirer une clientèle locale jeune et dynamique. Les racines sud-africaines de Patrick se reflètent dans des plats tels que le potjie de moules et le 'braai' d'agneau. Ne manquez pas notre pain de style brioche avec beurre de bacon, une véritable expérience mémorable. Venez découvrir le restaurant Kudu et laissez-vous séduire par la cuisine sud-africaine de qualité.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #African #South African #Dinner #Ristorante
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Plush decor, South African grill, slightly sophisticated but chill. "


"South African restaurant with a supper club"


"Dish delish South Africa cuisine- well priced - highly recommend the chicken liver parfait & scallops!! "


"south African restaurant absolutely incredible food and so worth the money. definitely worth the hype"


"Creative, delicious & unique South African inspired fine dining."


"Run by a young husband and wife team who have attracted a fun and young local clientele. Patrick’s South African roots are evident in dishes like the mussel potjie and the ‘braai’ lamb neck; the brioche-style bread with bacon butter is memorable. Amy and her service team are delightful."


"Cat & Jak’s recommendation"


"LOVED it here. Food was unbelievable and the restaurant has such a good atmosphere. The Kudu bread with both butters is unreal "


"Onglet steak with truffle mashed potatoes, "


"apparently the steak is go to"


"South African best in London. Lovely terrace. Nice cocktails brunch "


"A contemporary South African small plate restaurant with old fashioned charm. Don't skip the cast-iron pot of cumin-brioche-like mosbolletjies dunked straight into shrimp or lardon-laced molten-butter. A beer-and-onion tarte tatin (which any French pastry chef would be proud of) is topped with a goats-curd quenelle. And a dish of lamb's neck braaied over an open fire is well matched with smoked yoghurt, lettuce and brussel tops. Open for brunch on weekends – the sourdough waffles are a must."


"try bread in bacon or shrimp butter"


"What to have: Anything that’s been cooked in a pot or licked by the flames – especially the BBQ ‘braai’ lamb neck with a cheese and herb crust, smoked yoghurt and lettuce."


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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