Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop
Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop

Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop - Café, Brunch, Restaurant

Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop est un café-restaurant situé dans une ancienne cathédrale, la Church of the Heavenly Rest. Profitez d'un brunch sain et délicieux, avec des options telles que l'avocado toast et le banana bread. Le café est de qualité et le cadre unique, avec une décoration de style cathédrale qui crée une ambiance calme et sereine. En été, vous pouvez profiter de la terrasse en extérieur. Que vous cherchiez un endroit pour un café rapide ou un brunch complet, Bluestone Lane Garment District Coffee Shop est l'endroit idéal. Venez découvrir ce café-restaurant unique à New York !

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Café #Coffee #Breakfast #Cafe
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Super brunch avant d’aller au Met. Petite pièce voûtée. Très bon et bonne accueille. "


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Brunch sympa, salle pas ouf, trop petit et froid "


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"this coffee-shop is housed adjacent to the beautiful historic Church of the Heavenly Rest - in the heart of Museum Mile"


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."

"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


"Enjoy your coffee surrounded by cathedral decor! Savor the calm & serenity of this coffee place nested in the Church of the Heavenly Rest."


Approuvé par 7 partenaires officiels
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