Alo Restaurant
Alo Restaurant Alo Restaurant Alo Restaurant Alo Restaurant Alo Restaurant Alo Restaurant Alo Restaurant Alo Restaurant

Alo Restaurant - Restaurant Français de Haute Cuisine à Toronto

Situé à Toronto, Alo Restaurant est un établissement de renommée internationale offrant une cuisine française de haute qualité. En plus de son restaurant principal primé d'une étoile Michelin, Alo propose également Aloette, un bar chic au rez-de-chaussée, et Alo Bar, un lieu élégant pour des cocktails exquis. L'expérience culinaire à Alo Restaurant est incomparable, avec des plats exquis allant du burger aux desserts gourmands comme la tarte aux noix de pécan et le milkshake à la pomme. Que vous soyez un amateur de fine cuisine ou à la recherche d'un endroit élégant pour savourer des plats français authentiques, Alo Restaurant est l'adresse incontournable à Toronto. Réservez dès maintenant pour une expérience gastronomique mémorable.

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#Restaurant #French #Toronto #Michelin #Resto
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"So I went to aloette, it is the lowest floor of the building and it’s an upscale restaurant. Upstairs they have a bar called alo bar that I want to try, and then a tasting menu restaurant that has a Michelin star that I will never ever go to until I’m maybe 50. Aloette was phenomenal. I tried the burger, cheesy bread with butter, fries with aioli, pecan pie and apple pie milkshake and they were all fantastic. Really nice place. "


"Delish!! I got the burger and fries - the burger had crispy Beaufort cheese and the fries had a yummy aioli. They also have a drink that tastes exactly like an orange creamsicle "


"Top 100 restaurant in the world 2021"


"The dankest option for toronto nouvelle cuisine "


"L’équipe de Alo est derrière la petite sœur, Aloette - bistrot français (Élu au premier rang du Canada's 100 Best Restaurants 2017). Testé en pickup, avec un service impeccable. Aloette Wedges: bon mais vraiment beaucoup de salade, Burger super bon recommandé par Nico (au beaufort!)"


" BlogTO 100 To Try Before You Die"


"1 Michelin star 2024 | La Liste Chef Patrick Kriss Everyone has a good time at Chef Patrick Kriss’s beloved Alo. You can sense this much at the lively bar, where walk-ins are treated like VIPs by personable servers.Basking in the light of the open kitchen, the cozy dining room sees just as much excitement, and the talented beverage team offers spot-on suggestions from the well-chosen wine list. The kitchen team seamlessly merges European and Asian sensibilities onto a single tasting menu with dishes like creamy Koshihikari risotto boosted with porcini emulsion or rack of lamb with Thai green curry. They can cook the classics too, like Dover sole with caviar beurre blanc. Showcasing flexibility and talent, Alo is the rare high achiever that never takes itself too seriously. "


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