National Coach Museum
National Coach Museum National Coach Museum National Coach Museum National Coach Museum National Coach Museum National Coach Museum National Coach Museum National Coach Museum National Coach Museum
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"Free z Lisbon Card Museu Nacional dos Coches"


"musées sur les carrosse. 45 min pour le faire bien aimé "


"Museu Nacional dos Coches Paulo Mendes Da Rocha 2015 A project for the new facilities of Museu dos Coches, poses two basic questions.On the side of Museology, basic criteria for exhibiting remarkable heritage; on the side of Urbanism, the implementation of a monumental venue, supported by the government project "Belém Redescoberta". In terms of museology, the project adopts a policy centered on the idea of ultimate preservation, forever, a stored treasure and, at the same time visited. Considering the visit under all possible forms of development in relation to the historical memory as an intellectual construction in time. Art and technique in constant progress. Exhibitions and workshops, changing scenarios. Virtual sound and images associated with original objects. In terms of Urbanism, an available space committed to the integrity of the enclosure, especially with the existent flow of tourists, which will surely increase with the emergence of this new vitality. Two events should be noted here: the circulation of pedestrians in the sequence of the Calçada da Ajuda to the gardens along the Tagus (overlapping Av India, Av Brasilia and the railroad) and the set of preserved buildings (Belém Redescoberta) along R. Junqueira street, which is configured as an area of museums to the back, the antique Cais da Alfândega Velha street with great charm. This is not to underestimate the program established with all its functions and areas, as well as the budget allocated to this project. These are given, say, unquestionably. As shown, the construction is proposed dual mode, the main pavilion, a suspended ship for exhibitions, and an annex which includes a reception, administration, restaurant, auditorium and a public Tejo walkway to strategically strengthen the circulation through ramps. This peculiar spatial arrangement creates a portico with links between the two buildings at the entrance to a small, internal plaza, where you get to the preserved buildings in R (a new front). Junqueira now opens to the enclosure so that eventually there are small cafes, libraries ... in what was once R. Cais Alfândega Velha street, an interesting recomposition of the same thing. One might note the dimensions of these spaces and their dialogue on the dynamics of passers-by inside and out, in full; the museum as a public place. Strictly protected and unpredictably open. In addition to the security steps required by law, we adopted all access through special hydraulic lifts, ensuring control of the capacity of the exhibition spaces taken. We made special emphasis on safety and comfort, plus the support for Museum employees. For children, there is a reserved special area in the terrace of the museum, with a garden in the front row next to the access of visitors to the exhibitions. In front of the opposite side of Afonso Albuquerque Square in the same public esplanade, there is a popular bar with character, open with sidewalk tables. The building is defined by the reinforced concrete foundations, with a relative concentration of the loads, as recommended by soil conditions, supporting coated steel trusses, configuring the great walls of the museum."


"Très sympa le café du musée "


"Il y a deux musées côte à côte, ne pas en oublier un 😂"


"p 87, gratis met LC anders 10 euro pp."


"I wanted to go cause it looked cool but didn’t have time"


"impressive collection of royal coaches atlas obscura"


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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