Kitchen Table
Kitchen Table Kitchen Table Kitchen Table Kitchen Table Kitchen Table

Kitchen Table - Restaurant Gastronomique 2 Étoiles Michelin à Londres

Situé à Londres, Kitchen Table est un restaurant gastronomique renommé, récompensé de 2 étoiles Michelin. Offrant une expérience culinaire incomparable, ce lieu intime propose un dîner d'exception avec un nombre limité de couverts. Laissez-vous séduire par les 18 plats proposés et profitez de la vue sur les cuisines en vous plongeant dans l'univers gastro de ce restaurant prestigieux. Kitchen Table est l'adresse incontournable pour une soirée gastronomique mémorable à Londres. Réservez dès maintenant pour vivre une expérience unique!

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Michelin #Dinner #British #Gastronomique
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs



"2 Star Michelin Insane 5 star treat"




"Recommended by Calum Reid, small number of covers "


"Small restaurant with everybody sitting around the kitchen counter and interacting with chef. Open few days a week, 2 mich stars "


"Accessed through a discreet entrance just off London's restaurant heartland of Charlotte Street, the 18-seater Kitchen Table promises an immersive dining experience. Created by head chef James Knappett, who has worked in world-renowned restaurants Noma and Per Se, a highly technical tasting menu features up to 20 daily changing courses, which might run from the freshest of red prawns to the lightest of panna cotta. The team prepares, serves and talks diners through the cuisine (contemporary European, albeit with a strong focus on British traditions) while Knappett’s wife Sandia Chang, sommelier and general manager, selects fine, lesser-known wines to accompany."


"Top 10 in Hardens 2022. Set menu"


"One of the best meals I have ever had. The wine paired tasting menu was fantastic. very expensive but a proper food experience."


"An intimate, completely secret chef’s table seating only 20, where chefs prepare a daily-changing, double Michelin-starred menu before your eyes"


"Michelin restaurant hidden in Bubbledogs"


"gastronomic restaurant from the Lyle's team. only 20 seats"


"2 Michelin stars // 18 - 19.30 // tucked away in the back of Bubbledogs"


"£350 per person. Best meal ever - Tyan Virag"


"Hannah Walton (Head of Bars)"


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