Minh Mang Tomb
Minh Mang Tomb Minh Mang Tomb Minh Mang Tomb Minh Mang Tomb Minh Mang Tomb Minh Mang Tomb Minh Mang Tomb
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"Père de 142 enfants, Minh Mang était un des rois les plus remarquables et les plus puissants de la dynastie Nguyen. Son mausolée se trouve dans un cadre idyllique, à 12km de la ville de Hué. LE mausolée se compose d'un ensemble architectural de 40 monuments (palais, pavillons, temples, etc.)"


"UNESCO World Heritage Tombs are very important for the Vietnamese because they believe the layout of the tomb affects the soul's journey into the spirit world. Formal ceremonies to the dead are also believed to affect the fortunes of the living, it is no surprise, therefore, that Vietnam's imperial tombs on the banks of the Perfume (Huong) River outside Hue should be so elaborate, having such an influence on the ongoing success of an imperial dynasty The sites fulfilled two functions: as a tomb but also as a secondary royal palace where the emperor could entertain guests. Construction of a tomb therefore began during the reign of the emperor for whom it was intended, and reflected his taste and personality. The tomb of Gia long, for example, is built in a simple yet magnificent style, whereas one of the most elaborate tombs is that of Tu Duc, which reflects his reputation for being decadent. During his reign the power of the monarchy declined because of increasing French domination, and toward the end of his rule he spent increasing amounts of time at the tomb. His body and treasure were not buried here but at a secret site. The tomb of Khai Dinh was largely built under French influence using concrete and lacks the harmony of earlier tombs. The tombs and the Hue Citadel were made a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1993 as part of the Complex of Hué Monuments. As monuments they span an important period of history, including Vietnam's loss of independence to the French in the mid-1800s, when the ruling dynasty became mere figureheads to colonial overlords."


"Mausolée de l'empereur Minh Mang (1820 - 1841)."


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