Emmer & Rye
Emmer & Rye Emmer & Rye Emmer & Rye Emmer & Rye Emmer & Rye Emmer & Rye Emmer & Rye
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182 utilisateurs

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#Restaurant #Dinner #American #Trendy #Italian
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Wonderful dinner. Water said shared plates but more like tapas. We should have ordered more. French ravioli was delicious! We were table of four but would like to go back as a twosome and sit at chef’s counter. Felt like the counter got a deeper explanation of dishes as they were served. Depending on who brought our dish , we got in-depth knowledge or NO knowledge. "


"* farm to table style restaurant based on local Austin farms * Executive chef is from Israel (sister restaurant is Ladina in the pearl) * 7 years and counting * Emmer and rye are two grains because they make their breads and pastas in house * The sour dough bread, cultured butter, honey, and strawberry carrot jam is the best thing on the menu (butter is made with same cultures as blue cheese hence the taste) * Music is curated by staff and changes daily * Tartar * Bread * Strangle priest pasta (strozzapretti) * Grouper * Trumpet mushrooms"


"Kjempebra opplevelse på en veldig populær restaurant. Vi kjørte tastingmenyen. Den bestod av mange spennede og gode retter - hver obs på at mange av rettene har en utpreget røyksmak. Det ble i overkant mye mat for oss så vi klarte nesten ikke å spise noe av hovedretten eller desserten. God service. "


"Great pastas and mains all grains milled in house "


"Amanda’s favorite restaurant in Austin"


"10 month anniversary bomb.com - pasta - honey comb with bread - red snapper - raspberry pate best dessert: bread pudding "


"*Homemade pasta, cacio e pepe. International cuisine*"


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