Gramps Gramps Gramps Gramps Gramps Gramps Gramps Gramps Gramps
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#Restaurant #Cocktail #Pizza #Terrasse #Music
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"Bar in Miami with 4 different DJ set. Electro music and vibes 🎶 "


"Y retourner ! Bar boîte extérieur avec plusieurs salles"


"People love to ask what you’d bring with you if you were trapped on a desert island and sure, a lighter and a cell phone would be nice. But if we could bring one bar with us, it’d be Gramps. No other bar in Miami is as versatile. A week at this Wynwood spot includes karaoke, pizza, live music, killer DJs, and the best drag show in town every Thursday night. Add to that the best cocktails in Wynwood, a very good Happy Hour, and Pizza Tropical’s fantastic NY-style pizza in the back, and we’d happily spend a few years alone with Gramps on an island. "


"Dive bar Wynwood, live music, ambiance chaleureuse "


"Favorite bar in Miami. Weird but amazing experience"


"BEST OF MIAMI® ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 2020 BEST GAY BAR Gramps Gramps Photo by Alex Markow Look, a lot of people don't consider Gramps a gay bar, but queer people flock to it from all around the globe for a reason: It's one of the most chill and accepting places to be, and it hosts a number of queer events throughout the year. It's the spot where DJ Hottpants brings you nonstop bangers while you dance until the early morning with Double Stubble. It's the kind of place where drag queens not only bring you back-to-back shows, but host bingo nights, challenging the audience with trivia and getting straight people to enjoy a night of Drag Race. It's a bar that offers great drinks and lets you enjoy a delicious slice of pizza while you flirt with a stranger. And it has been the home to Wigwood — where some folks can proudly say they've strut their stuff in a jockstrap while standing next to Gloria Estefan — since its inception. Queer folks love Gramps because it's the kind of home that accepts us no matter how we show up, even if it's our first time dressing up or going out on a date. 5pm-8pm Tuesday through Friday 50% Off everything Dive bars may have a reputation for being nitty-gritty coves with dodgy men, but they can also be ideal low-key hangout spots for mingling with interesting people. Music plays just at the right level to allow for conversation and their selections of craft beer are impeccable."


"gay bar - drag night Thurs"


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