Union Oyster House
Union Oyster House Union Oyster House Union Oyster House Union Oyster House Union Oyster House Union Oyster House Union Oyster House Union Oyster House Union Oyster House Union Oyster House Union Oyster House Union Oyster House Union Oyster House Union Oyster House
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442 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Seafood #Ristorante #Fruits de mer #Boston
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Beantown, clam chowder, lobster roll"


"Allegedly the oldest restaurant in the US, but in google I found that it is the White Horse Tavern."


"Great clam chowder, fun atmosphere. Allegedly oldest restaurant in Boston"


"plus vieux restaurants des US"


"America’s oldest restaurant in the freedom train one block from Faneuil Hall"


"ristorante famoso per i suoi piatti locali, ricette tipiche del New England e ingredienti di ottima qualità."


"Plus vieux resto de Montréal Sympa d’y rentrer pour visiter (Kennedy y allait tous les dimanches)"


"Mark wiens - clam chowder and Boston baked beans. Seared shrimp and scallops. The oyster bar surface is 195 years old. Eat oysters. Mussels. Scrod. There was a waiter named wesley "


"Very old fish restaurant with a nice bar. Anton, from Switzerland served. "


"Institution - y aller pour des huîtres le reste n'a pas bcp d'intérêt "


"Clam chowder at bar. Oldest operating restaurant in the US"


"le plus ancien restaurant des États Unis "


"Clam chowder, butterfly shrimp + oysters "


"Boston Clam Chowder was heavenly! "


"Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts"


"Oldest restaurant in America. Touristy but food was good!!"


"Right on Freedom Trail. SOOO good. Will need reservations. $$$"


"Uno dei ristoranti più antichi del mondo"


"Expensive and not impressive"


"Exceptionnel seafood joint à Boston. Oyster Rockefeller, lobster, Boston beans et bien d’autres. Un vrai musé, convivial "


"Famous for fish and JFK favorite restaurant"


" DailyMeal one restaurant to visit in every state "


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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