Oriole Bar
Oriole Bar Oriole Bar Oriole Bar Oriole Bar Oriole Bar Oriole Bar Oriole Bar Oriole Bar

Oriole Bar - Bar à cocktails speakeasy dans le marché de Smithfield

Oriole Bar est un bar à cocktails speakeasy situé dans le marché de Smithfield à Londres. Avec son ambiance jazz et ses cocktails créatifs, Oriole est un lieu incontournable pour les amateurs de cocktails. Le bar propose une carte de cocktails raffinés, avec des boissons ricercati et des mélanges originaux. Les cocktails sont préparés par des mixologistes expérimentés, qui savent comment créer des boissons uniques et délicieuses. Oriole est également connu pour sa musique live, avec des concerts de jazz et d'autres genres musicaux. Le bar a été classé parmi les 50 meilleurs bars de Londres, et a été nommé l'un des meilleurs bars à cocktails de la ville. Si vous cherchez un endroit pour déguster des cocktails de qualité dans une ambiance speakeasy, Oriole Bar est l'endroit idéal pour vous. Réservez dès maintenant pour découvrir l'un des meilleurs bars à cocktails de Londres.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Cocktails #Cocktail #Drinks #Speakeasy #Restaurant
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Probably the best bar in London, speakeasy nascosto nel meat market di Smithfield’s"


"a una posizione alquanto improbabile per uno dei migliori cocktail bar di Londra, ma il viaggio e la scoperta sono il tema di questo locale in stile speakeasy. Il menu dei cocktail, suddiviso in Vecchio Mondo, Nuovo Mondo e Oriente, spazia in tutto il pianeta, con ingredienti decisamente fuori dal comune come latte di polpo chiarificato, cagliata di corbezzolo e palma chai cotta a fuoco lento"


"Best cocktails selon Théophile "


"Based in London's Smithfield Market, Oriole is a sleek and contemporary cocktail den proffering a fusion of Old and New Worlds and the exotic Orient."


"Cocktail bar recommended by Isabeau’s chef friend"


"Speakeasy dentro meat market"


"Whether that’s serving incredible cocktails made by mixologists at the top of their game or hosting a roster of cool live music gigs (largely jazz) – a trip to Oriole is an experience. One you’re unlikely to forget in a hurry. "


"Be “early” to get a table, no short notice possible, radioed to get in. Basement bar, theatrical. £££ for drinks + cover charge for jazz (free Monday and Tuesday). Suggestions: Everglade and Roman Holiday (14£). Others around £12. Can book."


"bar à cocktails de luxe environ 15 pounds le drink, apparemment incontournable"


"For good drinks and an escape "


"great cocktails, live band, good date spot"


"speakeasy nel meat market di Smithfields"


"Nel meat market di Smithfields "


"Repas et apéritifs très goûtus"


"V fancy nice cocktail bar, went after work "


"Superb atmosphere - Fancy cocktails - Live jazz in the evening"


"à côté des abattoirs à Londres recommandation Umberto original et sympa"


"Subterranean cocktail bar with explorer-style decor and live music, for cocktails and rare spirits. Sister venue from the also brilliant Nightjar in Shoreditch."


"Hidden, Jazz bar, good cocktail"


"forse best cocktail bar in London, speakeasy nascosto nel meat market di smithfields"


"Nascosto nel meat market di smithfields. Among best bars in London"


"The bar in London, con speakeasy "


"L’un de mes bars préféré de Londres avec une carte de cocktails très originaux. Le spectacle se passe en étant assis au bar."


"Based in London's Smithfield Market, Oriole is a sleek and contemporary cocktail den proffering a fusion of Old and New Worlds and the exotic Orient."


"Based in London's Smithfield Market, Oriole is a sleek and contemporary cocktail den proffering a fusion of Old and New Worlds and the exotic Orient."


"Très connu sur Instagram. "


"Based in London's Smithfield Market, Oriole is a sleek and contemporary cocktail den proffering a fusion of Old and New Worlds and the exotic Orient."


"Based in London's Smithfield Market, Oriole is a sleek and contemporary cocktail den proffering a fusion of Old and New Worlds and the exotic Orient."


"Based in London's Smithfield Market, Oriole is a sleek and contemporary cocktail den proffering a fusion of Old and New Worlds and the exotic Orient."


"Based in London's Smithfield Market, Oriole is a sleek and contemporary cocktail den proffering a fusion of Old and New Worlds and the exotic Orient."


"Based in London's Smithfield Market, Oriole is a sleek and contemporary cocktail den proffering a fusion of Old and New Worlds and the exotic Orient."


"Based in London's Smithfield Market, Oriole is a sleek and contemporary cocktail den proffering a fusion of Old and New Worlds and the exotic Orient."


"Based in London's Smithfield Market, Oriole is a sleek and contemporary cocktail den proffering a fusion of Old and New Worlds and the e..."


"Based in London's Smithfield Market, Oriole is a sleek and contemporary cocktail den proffering a fusion of Old and New Worlds and the e..."


"Based in London's Smithfield Market, Oriole is a sleek and contemporary cocktail den proffering a fusion of Old and New Worlds and the e..."


"Based in London's Smithfield Market, Oriole is a sleek and contemporary cocktail den proffering a fusion of Old and New Worlds and the e..."


"Cuban deco and amazing cocktails"


"Live Music: sun-tues: 9pm(free), wed&thurs: 9pm (£5), fri&sat: 9pm (£8) "


Approuvé par 8 partenaires officiels
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