Pho 10 Ly Quoc Su
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382 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Pho #Vietnamien #Asiatique #Vietnamese
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Pho boeuf 3$ Bib gourmand "


"Best pho Bo Il est au guide Michelin ! "


"Super restaurant de Pho au bœuf, service express et soupe délicieuse "


"top Pho (près cathédrale) GEO"


"Pho recommandé par l'hôtel "


"They are specialized in the Pho soup and well-known for it. I took a well done cooked beef for 65 000 VND. It was very good’"


"Quán phở ngon ở Hanoi. Nước phở trong, ngọt, thịt tươi mới. Là quán phở yêu thích nhất ở Hà Nội"


"Bon mais pas extraordinaire, surcoté"


"Un des meilleur Pho de Hanoi !"


"Par guide Michelin Nouilles très réputé pas cher, cuisine ouverte"


"Pho - well done beef. So good. 65,000 VND"


"Bib Gourmand 2023 One of three branches in Hanoi, this small phở eatery enjoys a fine reputation, but beware of imitations in the city. The menu offers 10 impressive phở options, including tái and chin (brisket), nạm (flank beef) and bắp trần (beef fillet). A competent team operates the compact corner kitchen, which is visible through a glazed partition. The phở itself is hearty and supremely refreshing with tender pieces of beef that melt in the mouth."


"Ils proposent des Pho bo - beef noodle soup"


"it was pretty good. tho imo its was normal :)"


"l'un des meilleurs pho de la ville "


"pho très bon pour 2.50€ en revanche turn-over de ouf "


"Bouillon typique Vietnamien. Rapide et bon marché"


"Recommandé whatthepho Pho tai chin (beef) + quay (fried bread stick) + trung tran (balanced eggs)"


"Cantine du pho, meilleure adresse dans le quartier de la cathédrale "


"Mejor pho de hanoi menos de 3€"


"Spécialité Pho Avec les locaux Pho Chin de bœuf "


"Jaqui reco for best pho in Hanoi"


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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