the Royal exchange
the Royal exchange the Royal exchange the Royal exchange the Royal exchange the Royal exchange the Royal exchange the Royal exchange the Royal exchange the Royal exchange
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"The exchange building has twice been destroyed by fire and subsequently rebuilt. The present building was designed by Sir William Tite in the 1840s. The site was notably occupied by the Lloyd's insurance market for nearly 150 years. Today, the Royal Exchange contains Fortnum & Mason's Bar & Restaurant, luxury shops, and offices. Traditionally, the steps of the Royal Exchange are the place where certain royal proclamations (such as the dissolution of parliament) are read out by either a herald or a crier. Following the death or abdication of a monarch and the confirmation of the next monarch's accession to the throne by the Accession Council, the Royal Exchange Building is one of the locations where a herald proclaims the new monarch's reign to the public."


"Centre Co très beau. Fortnum and Mason. "


"Ancienne Bourse de Commerce de la Cité de Londres qui abrite aujourd’hui quelques boutiques de luxe type Fortnum & Mason. Ça vaut le coup d’entrer jeter un coup d’œil !"


"Ancienne bourse galerie commerciale de luxe cafe au milieu"


"Bien riche bien pété de thunes"


"There’s a coffeeshop in there"


"Centro commerciale di lusso "


"A meeting place for the modern city, The Royal Exchange is many things to many people. One of London’s grandest and most iconic buildings, at the heart of the City of London, The Royal Exchange has seen many different uses throughout its extraordinary history, since its origins as London’s first purpose built trading centre in 1566."


"High end shops and food places. Very nice. Fancy "


"Mall luxueux dans un lieu hautement historique "


"The historic exchange building turned into a luxury shopping destination. Fortnum & Mason runs the central dining area."


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