Brasero Atlántico
Brasero Atlántico Brasero Atlántico Brasero Atlántico Brasero Atlántico Brasero Atlántico Brasero Atlántico Brasero Atlántico Brasero Atlántico
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Cocktail #Speakeasy #Drink #Cocktails
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"Disguises are usually deceptive but by now, the blooming florist and well-stocked wine store on an elegant Retiro street barely camouflages Buenos Aires’ legendary speakeasy Florería Atlántico. Pull open the antique fridge door and descend into the underworld created by graphic designer-turned-bartender Renato ‘Tato’ Giovannoni and hotelier partner Aline Vargas, hospitality royalty in Rio de Janeiro, BA and London. This basement tavern, decorated with sea monsters hand-painted by Giovannoni, is where a thousand Argentinian cocktail stories have begun, and while Florería initially focused on Old World migrant beverage cultures, from Dutch genever to Italian amari, today’s cocktail tome pays tribute to Argentina’s indigenous communities, such as the Yamaná, as well as now-extinct colonies. Given that sustainability is a core pillar, the team works closely with regional farmers to source ingredients – sample Welsh-inspired Gaiman, named for the Patagonian town, crafted with Corinth wine, rhubarb, bara brith tea and gin."


"“Disguises are usually deceptive but by now, the blooming florist and well-stocked wine store on an elegant Retiro street barely camouflages Buenos Aires’ legendary speakeasy Florería Atlántico. Pull open the antique fridge door and descend into the underworld created by graphic designer-turned-bartender Renato ‘Tato’ Giovannoni and hotelier partner Aline Vargas, hospitality royalty in Rio de Janeiro, BA and London. This basement tavern, decorated with sea monsters hand-painted by Giovannoni, is where a thousand Argentinian cocktail stories have begun, and while Florería initially focused on Old World migrant beverage cultures, from Dutch genever to Italian amari, today’s cocktail tome pays tribute to Argentina’s indigenous communities, such as the Yamaná, as well as now-extinct colonies. Given that sustainability is a core pillar, the team works closely with regional farmers to source ingredients – sample Welsh-inspired Gaiman, named for the Patagonian town, crafted with Corinth wine, rhubarb, bara brith tea and gin.”"


"Fleuriste / caviste / bar au sous-sol, vu à Cocktails Spirits 2019"


"Rosario de Riso Entrar a la florería y bajar al bar. "


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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