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#Restaurant #Ristorante #Carne #Viande #Italien
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"THE BEST MEATS IN THE WORLD Since we started, we serve certified meat in our restaurants. We personally select the most valuable meats making them frollare and mature to offer our customers the best steak. From nature to the plate, from the world to Florence. 12 different types of beef in various cuts of choice between: Scottona, Chianina, Romagnola, Wagyu, Kobe, Marchigiana and Fassona Piemontese. Each animal is different and so every meat has its own qualities. Check out our selection! Chianina, Marchigiana, Angus, Rubia Gallega, Wagyu e Manzo di Kobe. CHIANINA Origin: Italy Bright red color, fine moire, with high iron content. Fine cuts. ROMAGNOLA Origin: Italy Tender meat, with intense flavor and fine moire, has a limited production. MARCHIGIANA Origin: Italy It preserves the characteristics of tender and succulent meat, high protein level and low cholesterol content. FASSONA Origin: Italy Meat with low fat content, compact to tender and sweet and delicate aroma. PODOLICA Origin: Italy Rich in linoleic acid, it has a very fine fatty structure, with an intense taste, tasty and slightly sweet. MAREMMANA Origin: Italy Ancient and precious race, its lean meat and intense color presents a lean moire. PEZZATA ROSSA Origin: Croatia Moire wide, it has a tender consistency thanks to the infiltrations of fat while the taste is intense and decided. FRISONA Origin: Germany Aromatic flavour and rich in nuances, intense moire, ideal for all palates. LIMOUSINE Origin: France Medium moire, tender meat and non-coarse fibers. WAGYU Origin: Japan Moire very intense, it gives the meat an aromatic taste and a decided taste, ideal for meat experts. BLACK ANGUS Origin :Italy – USA Tender and with a unique flavour, it has a fine moire and a cover of the white fat which retains its nutritional properties. GALIZIANA Origin: Spain Precious, tender and with a unique taste, the Galician is covered with a gold-coloured fat thanks to the proteins of the maize with which it is bred."


"Per me un po’ sopravvalutato Cose buone ma nella media"


"Melhor Bisteca (bife à Florença) / (dica)"


"Steak shop and other options "


"Troppo turistico sconsiglio vivamente "


"Fiorentina chianina super "


"consigliato per la carne dal sommelier Andrea Galanti, dell'omonima gastronomia a Firenze "


"Migliore braceria italiane 40° al mondo "


"Questo ristorante come tutti i ristorante “trattoria dell’oste” è consigliato e conosciuto per essere il ristorante che propone la miglior qualità di carne, quindi molto consigliato, quello più recensito è quello in via “Borgo San Lorenzo, 31. Controllare prima i prezzi che non sono bassi "


"Florentine chain specialized in T-Bone steaks! Stated in "World's best steakhouses""


"Ottimo locale un po’ fighetto ma carne ottima e varie tipologie di carne"


"Best place for Bistecca alla Fioentina"


"Tartare burrata délicieux Margherita 7,5€ / Couverts 2,5€ "


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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