Eve Bar
Eve Bar Eve Bar Eve Bar Eve Bar

Eve Bar - Cocktail Bar à Covent Garden

L'Eve Bar est un endroit secret et élégant, idéal pour déguster des cocktails raffinés. Ouvert en 2018, un an après le restaurant, cet établissement propose une sélection de boissons de qualité. Profitez de l'ambiance agréable pour une soirée entre amis ou un rendez-vous romantique. Situé à Covent Garden, ce bar propose une expérience unique avec des cocktails originaux et une atmosphère chaleureuse. Ne manquez pas l'offre spéciale de 2 pour 1 sur les boissons jusqu'à 19h les lundis, mardis, mercredis et dimanches. Venez découvrir l'univers des cocktails à l'Eve Bar!

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Cocktails #Drinks #Cocktail #Restaurant #Drink
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Secret bar, good spot, nice drinks, quite expensive and music is NOT too loud. Good spot for a date or chill night "


"Cool bar in Covent Garden - "


"BDE London South & West Account Owner: James Fox"


"Imaginative cocktails are prepared in a dimly lit, seductive den... with luxe interiors and carefully curated artwork. Eve is Adam Handling’s first stand-alone bar, situated in underneath his flagship restaurant, Frog by Adam Handling."


"‘Resist Everything Except Temptation’ neon sign at the entrance"


"Cocktail préféré : Life’s is a peach A absolument commander dans la carte de choses à grignoter : cheese doughnuts et cram kitchi tart."


"‘Resist Everything Except Temptation’. That is what the neon sign says as you walk into London’s Eve Bar, award-winning TV chef Adam Handling’s new cocktail bar under his popular West End restaurant Frog."


"‘Resist Everything Except Temptation’. That is what the neon sign says as you walk into London’s Eve Bar, award-winning TV chef Adam Handli"


"‘Resist Everything Except Temptation’. That is what the neon sign says as you walk into London’s Eve Bar, award-winning TV chef Adam Handling’s new cocktail bar under his popular West End restaurant Frog."


"‘Resist Everything Except Temptation’. That is what the neon sign says as you walk into London’s Eve Bar, award-winning TV chef Adam Handling’s new cocktail bar under his popular West End restaurant Frog."


"‘Resist Everything Except Temptation’. That is what the neon sign says as you walk into London’s Eve Bar, award-winning TV chef Adam Handling’s new cocktail bar under his popular West End restaurant Frog."


"‘Resist Everything Except Temptation’. That is what the neon sign says as you walk into London’s Eve Bar, award-winning TV chef Adam Handling’s new cocktail bar under his popular West End restaurant Frog."


"‘Resist Everything Except Temptation’. That is what the neon sign says as you walk into London’s Eve Bar, award-winning TV chef Adam Han..."


"‘Resist Everything Except Temptation’. That is what the neon sign says as you walk into London’s Eve Bar, award-winning TV chef Adam Han..."


"‘Resist Everything Except Temptation’. That is what the neon sign says as you walk into London’s Eve Bar, award-winning TV chef Adam Handling’s new cocktail bar under his popular West End restaurant"


"‘Resist Everything Except Temptation’. That is what the neon sign says as you walk into London’s Eve Bar, award-winning TV chef Adam Han..."


"‘Resist Everything Except Temptation’. That is what the neon sign says as you walk into London’s Eve Bar, award-winning TV chef Adam Han..."


"‘Resist Everything Except Temptation’. That is what the neon sign says as you walk into London’s Eve Bar, award-winning TV chef Adam Han..."


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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