Museum of Jewish Heritage
Museum of Jewish Heritage Museum of Jewish Heritage Museum of Jewish Heritage Museum of Jewish Heritage Museum of Jewish Heritage Museum of Jewish Heritage

Musée de la Héritage Juive - New York

Le Musée de la Héritage Juive, situé à New York, offre une expérience unique pour les visiteurs. Avec son bâtiment en granit en forme hexagonale rappelant l'étoile de David, le musée met en lumière le riche tissu de la vie juive avant, pendant et après l'Holocauste. La visite comprend trois étages d'espaces d'exposition, dont une exposition principale composée de deux étages remplis de quelque 800 objets et 2 000 photos, offrant un voyage visuel et auditif à travers l'histoire juive. Les galeries consacrées à la Guerre contre les Juifs racontent de manière poignante l'histoire de l'Holocauste. Ne manquez pas le Garden of Stones, une installation extérieure propice à la réflexion, créée par l'artiste Andy Goldsworthy en 2003. Le musée propose également des projections de films, des concerts, des conférences et des événements spéciaux. Profitez de l'admission gratuite le jeudi après-midi pour découvrir ce lieu chargé de mémoire et d'histoire.

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"Located across the Hudson River from Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, the museum's granite building makes the first impression a six-sided shape reminiscent of the six-pointed Star of David. It's the perfect framework to highlight the rich tapestry of Jewish life before, during, and after the Holocaust. It is New Yorks uniquely global responsibility never to forget. With three foors of exhibition space, there is much to see. Start with the museum's core exhibition, which consists of two floors filled with some 800 objects and 2,000 photos, a visual and auditory journey through Jewish history. Beginning in the 1880s, simple artifacts become touchstones, like a wedding canopy, or huppah, along with a 1924 lace wedding dress, and a men's wedding tunic or kittel. There are Torahs and sacred artifacts from synagogues. Then one floor up, the mood shifts. The galleries here are devoted to the War Against the Jews, where objects, images, and voices tell the Holocaust story. The rise of Nazism and anti-Semitism is told with original film showing impactful survival testimony. These voices punctuate the artifacts all around, and personalize history in a most moving way. Still, there are objects of optimism folded in, like a well-worn trumpet on display that musician Louis Bannet played in the Auschwitz-Birkenau inmate orchestra. A final section shows renewal after World War I, when Jewish families sought to rebuild their lives and bring Nazis to justice. Afterwards, visit the outdoor Garden of Stones, the perfect place for reflection, created by artist Andy Goldsworthy in 2003. In this permanent installation, 18 boulders were hollowed out, and a single sapling was planted in each one by a Holocaust survivor. The trees have grown, fusing with the stone to become stronger."


"MUSEUM OF JEWISH HERITAGE MUSEo Cartina p438 (%646-437-4202;; 36 Battery pl; interi/ridotti/bambini $12/7/gratuito, 16-20 mer ingresso libero; h10-18 dom-mar, 10-20 mer e gio, 10-17 ven metà marzo-metà nov, 10-15 ven nel resto dell’anno, chiuso sab; c; b4/5 fermata Bowling Green; R/W fermata Whitehall St) Affacciato sul fiume, questo museo rievoca ed esplora tutti gli aspetti dell’identità e della cultura ebraica moderna, dalle tradizioni religiose alle espressioni artistiche. La mostra principale del museo riguarda la Shoah, illustrata in modo molto toccante e commovente tramite effetti personali, fotografie e documentari. All’esterno è visibile il Garden of Stones, un’installazione dell’artista Andy Goldsworthy dedicata a quanti persero i propri cari nella Shoah: i 18 massi formano uno stretto sentiero che invita a riflettere sulla fragilità dell’esistenza umana. L’edificio – di forma esagonale e disposto su tre livelli a simboleggiare la stella di Davide – è una metafora che allude ai sei milioni di ebrei che morirono durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Il museo propone anche proiezioni di film, concerti, cicli di conferenze ed eventi speciali nel periodo delle vacanze. Inoltre vengono spesso organizzati laboratori gratuiti che si rivolgono alle famiglie con bambini. Il caffè kasher all’interno del museo serve piatti leggeri, tra cui lox (salmone affumicato) in più varianti di quante avreste mai potuto immaginare."


"En mémoire à l’holocauste A faire évidemment On oublie pas."


"Free on Wednesday and Thursday from 4-8pm"


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