Basilique Sainte - Marie - Majeure
Basilique Sainte - Marie - Majeure Basilique Sainte - Marie - Majeure Basilique Sainte - Marie - Majeure Basilique Sainte - Marie - Majeure

Basilique Sainte-Marie-Majeure de Rome - Monument, Visite, Chiesa, Eglise, Church

La Basilique Sainte-Marie-Majeure de Rome est l'une des quatre basiliques majeures. Elle est la propriété du Vatican et est considérée comme l'un des temples catholiques les plus importants. Cette église monumentale est d'origine paleo-chrétienne primitive et date du 5ème siècle. Elle est ornée de nombreuses mosaïques authentiques ainsi que d’un plafond remarquable en or. On dit que même des morceaux de bois du berceau de Jésus gisent sous l’autel. La basilique est également connue pour sa Cappella Borghese, une des plus belles chapelles de Rome. Elle abrite également la tombe de Gian Lorenzo Bernini, célèbre artiste italien. La Basilique Sainte-Marie-Majeure est un incontournable de Rome pour tous les amateurs de monuments historiques et de visites de chiesa ou eglise. Ne manquez pas de découvrir ses magnifiques mosaïques, son Quadrato SATOR, sa Cappella Paolina et sa belle série de confessionnaux. Plus d'infos dans le Cartoville Rome 2023 (Quartier E) !

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"L'une des 4 basiliques pontificales de Rome Magnifique église Tous les jours de 7h à 18h45"


"Gratuïta. No diu res sobre horaris"


"De las 7 iglesias más bonitas de roma"


"Basilica papale maggiore paleocristiana (7chiese)."


"En ella se encuentran reliquias de madera de la cuna del Niño Jesús."


"A Basílica é dedicada a Nossa Senhora e foi construída por volta do século IV a mando do Papa Libéria, que diz ter visto a Virgem. Possui uma relíquia do berço do menino Jesus e a cadeira (trono) oficial do Papa. "


"Basilique papale emblématique construite au 5eme siecle celebre pour son plafond doré. Pas incroyable de l’extérieur."


"The Basilica of Saint Mary Major, or church of Santa Maria Maggiore, is a 5th century Major papal basilica as well as one of the Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome and the largest Catholic Marian church in Rome, Italy."


"Tudo é lindo. Muita coisa pra ver. Ouro por todo lado, roubado das Américas."


"All’interno importanta la Cappella Borghese"


"Très clinquant l’intérieur de la basilique bof"


"Vedere: cappella Borghese Una delle quattro basiliche papali"


"Jacopo Torriti 1295 abside Incoronazione Vergine"


" basillica imensa, vale a pena visitar. Ficar de olho nas esculturas do bernini. "


"The ‘Basilica Papale di Santa Maria Maggiore’ is the largest (‘Maggiore’) of the eighty Mary churches in Rome. This church was built in 432 by order of pope Sixtus III on Esquiline Hill and is one of the seven pilgrim churches and one the four papal basilicas in Rome (The others are St. Peter’s Basilica, San Giovanni in Laterano and San Paolo Fuori Le Mura). The Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore was built on the site where the Virgin Mary appeared in a dream of pope Liberius. This is also where a blanket of snow appeared on the hill on 5 August in the middle of Summer. This day is commemorated every year with white flower petals that are dropped from the ceiling. Many of the mosaics in the basilica (in the nave and on the arch, for instance) were part of the original building. The large marble columns of the basilica are even older and probably came from an ancient Roman building. Unique in this church is the golden, coffered ceiling, commissioned by the controversial Pope Alexander VI and built with the first of the gold Columbus brought back from America. The 14th-century bell tower is also the highest bell tower in Rome at 75 metres. It is said that there are pieces of wood from Jesus' crib underneath the altar (Sacra Culla). To the left of the main entrance is the Holy Door. If people walk through all four holy doors of Rome in a single day during a jubilee, it is believed they earn an indulgence and are absolved of their sins. The patriarchal basilica contains the funerary monuments of Pope Clement IX, Paul V and Nicolas IV. A number of other famous Catholics are buried here as well, including the saint Jerome and the artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The basilica also contains a museum where you can find out more about the history of the church and view old masterpieces."


"Visité le 10/10 mais il y avait la messe. Eglise avec la capella di paulina "




"Cappella paolina realizzata sotto commissione di papà Paolo V (somiglia alla cappella sistina)"


"Uno de los 4 templos católicos de más alto rango"


"Ori, mosaici e cappella sistina, pazzesca. "


"Una delle quattro basiliche papali. Mosaici pazzeschi "


"Romeinse BasilIiek gebouwd naar aanleiding van concilie van ephese in 431 waarin Maria ook erkend wordt als moeder van God. Paus sixtus 2de laat nav de kerk bouwen in 432. De basiliek (middenschip 76x32m) en 2 lagere zijbeuken. Boven architraaf aan beide zijden middenschip 2 x 21 mozaïeken waarin verhalen uit OT worden weergegeven, boven de abcis het verhaal over leven Maria. "


"Plus d'infos dans le Cartoville Rome 2020 (Quartier E) ! Commandez le guide ici :"


"Passegiata promenade nocturne dans la via del corso"


"Très belle Basilique de Rome, proche de la gare centrale."


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