Baro Baro Baro Baro Baro Baro Baro
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350 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Rooftop #Terrace #Date #Nightlife
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Went here with Seye - January 12, 2024 Great date spot #vibey "


"9 Selling sunset (or something like that) was pretty good but nothing too special Waygu was 10/10 Normal steak was 9/10"




"Rooftop patio, green vibes"


"So overpriced for mediocre at best food. Go here if you wanna see the most pretentious people in the city on a pretty nice rooftop patio. "


"Been here twice: once with Bilal for his bday (we went here after cabana) one for dinner with Meagan. Cute rooftop patio, lots of green. Yummy food. Good for girlfriend. Small portions for mark "


"份量更是巨!大!管饱 • Tiradito fYellowfin tuna Ceviche 】 酸橘汁腌吞拿鱼。历代级生鱼料理,但这样大的份量/铺满了厚实吞拿鱼的Ceviche只有这里才有! Papas Rellenas 内馅裹满了牛肉的炸土豆球 - 超级好吃的一道拉丁特色小食• 土豆面衣酥糯,肉馅咸辣入味~ Pulpo A La Plancha 秘鲁式辣烤章鱼 两条厚实的大章鱼腿烤得无比鲜嫩 Pollo Asado 超大一份经典南美风味烤鸡心多汁鲜嫩,妙哉~ Y OG Duck Chaufa 拉丁 风味石锅烤鸭饭 談 王炸!这一钵石锅饭太顶了 - 烤鸭撕碎“混"在炒饭中,每一口都能吃出肉感; 更能挖出金黄酥脆的锅巴"


"Siempre está lleno. Ahora se puede reservar. Antes no se podía"


"Rooftop endast öppen på helg"


"Latin American food. Try and get a spot on the rooftop"


"Great Food, Cool Vibe, Pricey"


"PASSWORD NEEDED : ask a waiter at Baro for the password for Escobar (bar)/where you can meet Pablo"


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