Ristorante Il Tino
Ristorante Il Tino Ristorante Il Tino Ristorante Il Tino Ristorante Il Tino Ristorante Il Tino Ristorante Il Tino Ristorante Il Tino Ristorante Il Tino
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Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"ricordarsi che principalmente sono Crudité"


"Chef Emanuele Usai - 1 stella Michelin - chef marinaio tecnica della frollatura del pesce "


"Stellato, pesce particolare "


"$95 - $120 for 7 and 9 dishes tasting menu "


"Super Pesce bianco caviale brodo capperi e peperoni "


"* Michelin chef Daniele Usai"


"1 Michelin star 2024 Chef Daniele Usai Enjoying an attractive location in the Nautilus Marina, overlooking the Tiber and the boats moored along it, this restaurant decorated in a modern, minimalist style represents a childhood dream for its chef, who learned his craft from observing his grandparents, both of whom were excellent cooks. Following years spent gaining experience abroad and in Italy, including an informative period with Gualtiero Marchesi at L’Albereta, Usai now creates contemporary cuisine with a strong regional character, prepared from top-quality seasonal ingredients and enhanced with cutting-edge techniques. His cuisine is also open to more exotic influences, including from Asia, the aesthetic quality of which reflects the chef’s own love for elegant presentation. The restaurant’s kitchen garden, visible from the steps leading into the dining room, provides the many herbs that are used skilfully by the chef to add colour and even more flavour to his delicious fish and seafood dishes. Excellent wine list, plus the highly recommended option of starting your meal with an intriguing cocktail!"


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