Frauenkirche Frauenkirche Frauenkirche Frauenkirche Frauenkirche Frauenkirche Frauenkirche Frauenkirche
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#Sehenswürdigkeit #Monument #Sightseeing #Church #Architecture
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"UNESCO World Heritage Built between 1726 and 1743, the Frauenkirche was a masterpiece of Baroque architecture. As a Protestant Lutheran church it adopted" a radical internal configuration that saw the altar, chancel, baptismal font, and organ placed in view of the congregation. The magnificent organ, built by Gottfried Silbermann, was given its first recital by J. S. Bach. The sandstone dome- known as the "Stone Bell" dominated the skyline for two centuries when Dresden was considered to be Germany's most beautiful city, and the Frauenkirche the jewel in the crown. On February 13, 1945, Anglo-American air forces instigated a massive air offensive against Dresden. The center of the city was almost completely destroyed and as many as 35,000 people were killed in the ensuing firestorm. Another casualty was the cathedral itself. Hit repeatedly by high-explosive bombs, the dome finally collapsed in on itself on February 15, the whole cathedral in ruins. Under the postwar German communist government, the Frauenkirche was left as a pile of rubble, a stark reminder of the horror of modern warfare. During the 1980s the blackened stones became a symbol of the peace movement, which in other major churches in East Germany coalesced into a civil rights protest that marked a step toward the collapse of communism and the reunification of the two Germanys. Immediately after reunification, it was decided to rebuild the Frauenkirche. Work began in 1993 using original drawings and photographs, and the Frauenkirche was reconsecrated in 2005."


"Consigliamo un bonus facciata oppure di usare l’acqua delle fontane in modo più produttivo. (A parte gli scherzi bellissimo)"


"Église baroque symbole de Dresde, détruite par les bombardements de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, et complètement reconstruite. Magnifique intérieur et très belle vue sur la ville depuis le sommet."


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