SoBan Korean Restaurant
SoBan Korean Restaurant SoBan Korean Restaurant SoBan Korean Restaurant SoBan Korean Restaurant SoBan Korean Restaurant SoBan Korean Restaurant
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#Restaurant #Korean #Asian #Food #Coreen
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"Best galbi that I’ve ever had"


"Koreatown: annex of Seoul (where a generation of Oaxacans and Salvadorans have also made a home); city within a city; civic treasure. Among dozens of restaurants and bars, there’s a strong argument for starting with a seat in Jennifer Pak’s small, welcoming dining room to begin delving into Koreatown’s food culture. The banchan is first-rate. A server will set down a dozen-plus plates — likely among them rolled egg, myeolchi bokkeum (stir-fried anchovies with peanuts) and kimchi that fizzes lightly on the tongue — arranging them with the efficiency of a blackjack croupier. Three vital dishes keep Soban’s reputation intact year after year. Ganjang gaejang, a speckled raw crab marinated in house-made soy sauce and dressed with green chiles and a sliced clove of garlic, reigns supreme. Extracting its sweet flesh is a full-sensory pleasure. Follow it with eundaegu jorim, the gochujang-spiced braise of black cod and daikon, and galbi jjim hearty with short ribs and root vegetables. The sense of place they engender is palpable."


"Ganjang Gaejang, Spicy Galbi Jjim"


"#76 Situated at the western edge of Koreatown, Soban feels far removed from the district’s barbecue specialists, karaoke bars and sullungtang parlors. The dining room is tranquil and genteel. The only thing over-the-top is the banchan presentation: A flotilla of 20 or so of the tiny side dishes covers your table when you sit down. The ganjang gejang, raw blue crab marinated in an herb-infused soy sauce, is on many tables for good reason: It’s impossible to resist sucking every last salty-savory clump of marinated flesh from the tangle of shells. It’s the dish Soban is probably best known for, and a tipoff that the seafood at Soban is what consistently thrills. Try the nakji bokkeum, a garlicky stir-fry of baby octopus supercharged with Korean chile flakes, or the braised cod, a sweet-spicy stew of gochujang-fueled gratification. No alcohol. Street parking and limited lot parking. Credit cards accepted."


"Michaelangelo’s rec for korean. He says must have raw crab"


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