BRAT wood grill & wine bar
BRAT wood grill & wine bar BRAT wood grill & wine bar BRAT wood grill & wine bar BRAT wood grill & wine bar BRAT wood grill & wine bar BRAT wood grill & wine bar BRAT wood grill & wine bar BRAT wood grill & wine bar

BRAT Restaurant - Cuisine basque et grillades à Londres

BRAT Restaurant est une adresse incontournable pour les amateurs de cuisine basque et de grillades à Londres. Le chef Tomos Parry propose une cuisine savoureuse, cuite à la braise, avec des plats phares tels que le turbot entier, le pain grillé aux anchois et le riz velouté au crabe. Le restaurant est étoilé Michelin et classé dans le top 100 des meilleurs restaurants du monde. Avec son ambiance décontractée et son décor moderne, BRAT est le lieu idéal pour déguster des plats de qualité à des prix abordables. Que vous soyez fan de fruits de mer ou de viande grillée, BRAT est l'endroit parfait pour satisfaire vos papilles. Réservez dès maintenant pour une expérience culinaire inoubliable dans l'un des meilleurs restaurants de Londres.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Ristorante #Spanish #Dinner #Michelin
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Cher mais apperemment super"


"Famosi per il rombo alla griglia"


"Spanish/Basque influence. On Somebody feed Phil"


"Basque cuisine. Recommend by ixta, thomas straker, julias roberts, kirthana"


"Très très bon, 17/20 ! Tout est délicieux ! Lumière tamisée, ambiance décontractée mais vibrante, would recommend for a date!"


"Ristorante stellato con cucina alla brace. Eccezionali pane e burro, il rombo e la cheesecake."


"Restaurant grill - chicos - reco mapstr "


"Ça a l’air TROP BON. Leur crabe mais PARDON."


"The perfect place for a sunny Saturday lunch after a morning at Columbia Rd Market."


"Basque food pretty expensive but meant to be incredible"


"22/01/24 - discovered this wine bar, book up to a week in advance for a place, walk-in about 5:30 possible to get a place at their bar"


"Brat and Climpson A faire le dimanche après un tour au Colombia Market, puis en remontant au Brooklyn Market pour finir par déjeuner chez BRAT "


"British cuisine with Basque influences €€€"


"Good Basque food; too crammed in though"


"Outstanding young, funky and basque style"


"Grill viande et poisson excquis "


"looks fantastic chef tomos parry (mountain beak street)"


"Paul Mescal - Sourdough with anchovies"


"Recommended by Giles Coren"


"Rec from Isabeau’s chef friend - probably expensive "


"Not worth the 1 Michelin star but very nice still "


"Excellent at meat and fish "


"Amazing. Want to go back and try turbot!"


"⭐️ Also smoking goat(Thai) and kiln "


"Fruits de mers gastronomiques "


"Burnt cheesecake to die for! Spice crab toast, carb velvet rice!"


"high quality a la carte - relaxed Shoreditchy - best BBQ beef id has in a while"


"Top tier. An OG of the scene. "


"Welsh ingredients meets basque cooking. What an awesome place. Fresh clean innovative dishes. Incredible fish. Orange wine. Just the pinpoint of the gastronomical experience combined with fine service and location. Definitely in the 9 range. 9.05/10"


"Speakeasy vibes, great atmosphere, but not worth a Michelin star (we didn’t know it had one when we booked)"


"Restaurant. Gouter le turbo entier"


"Plates to share, open kitchen. Really good! "


"Delicious. John Dory or turbot is a must have and amazing wine."


"כוכב אחד מסעדת גריל/טאבון מיוחדת בסגנון בסקי"


"Same chef as Kitty Fisher "


"One of the best restaurants in Ldn"


"Have the anchovy bread and turbot"


"Head to Shoreditch to find this ultra-edgy (yet Michelin-starred) restaurant, which is headed up by chef Tomos Parry. Brat is largely based around Basque cuisine and wood-fired cooking, while celebrating the Welsh ingredients Anglesey-born Parry grew up with."


"Resto étoilé, basque, vraiment super bon!! A tester 80/100 par pers "


"Manu, 1 etoile mais pas cher "


"Excellent basque restaurant with an open fire kitchen and decent wine selection. I would personally recommend going to their offshoot, Climpson Arch x BRAT, which is a bit further afield in Hackney but has an incredible dining space under a luminous marquise. "


"Basque inspired fancy Spanish to try "


"Amazing! Great atmosphere, wide variety of dishes and the food is amazing, original somewhat and can feel the freshness of the produce. Some of the best bread I've had. Open kitchen adds a nice vibe. Good service too. Didn't get to really enjoy the winelist but will do next time. "


"Top 100 des meilleurs restos du monde #81"


"Maciej’s ‘most enjoyable dining experience in years’ a should definitely check it out "


"#81 from the world’s 50 best restaurant "


"Somebody feed Phil: bread talked with anchovies and garlic, whole wile turbot (type of fish)"


"prix vraiment accessibles "


"Very expensive but amazing. Book for someone’s birthday! "


"Tester les anchois pizzas / langoustines "


Approuvé par 8 partenaires officiels
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