Dome of the Rock
Dome of the Rock Dome of the Rock Dome of the Rock Dome of the Rock Dome of the Rock Dome of the Rock Dome of the Rock Dome of the Rock

Dôme du Rocher - Visite, Monument, Architecture à Jérusalem

Le Dôme du Rocher est un monument incontournable à Jérusalem, offrant une architecture à couper le souffle. Même si l'on ne peut pas y entrer, sa beauté est visible depuis n'importe quel point de la vieille ville. Une visite à ne pas manquer pour admirer cette vue spectaculaire et essayer de capturer l'essence de ce lieu chargé d'histoire et de spiritualité.

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"couldn’t go in but stunning architecture to look at from any point in the old city "


"UNESCO World Heritage The Dome of the Rock, Oubbat as Sakhrah in Arabic. was built during the Umayyad Dynasty, under the patronage of Abd al-Malik bin Marwar the seventh caliph of the Muslim world-who ruled from 685 to 705. Completed in 691, it is also known as the Mosque of Omar, Although it is not a mosque, it is the first maror Muslim monument for public worship. The location of the site has religious significance for Muslims because, according to the Koran, the prophet Muhammad flew from Mecca to Jerusalem with the archangel Gabriel and went to the Rock to make his ascension to heaven. At the same time, Christians and Jews believe that the Dome is built on the rock where God tested the faith of Abraham by demanding that he sacrifice his son, Isaac. Beside its religious meaning, the site of the Dome has political relevance. The esplanade on which it was built previously contained the Jewish Second Temple of Herod the Great, whichtwas destroyed by the Romans in 70 cut. By building on the site, the caliph Abd al-Malik therefore symbolically underlined the supremacy of Islam over the other extant monotheistic religions. Inside the octagon and written five times in gold on a blue background, his message is explicit: la sharika laho (God has no companion) There are four gateways onented in the four cardinal directions The techniques and materials used were very elaborate: stucco, tesserae, and carving. The high wooden dome and its drum are covered with lead on a framework of timber. The dome is structured by a double shell of wood placed with metal and has a gilded finishing. The octagonal Syrian- Byzantine plan, the richness of the mosaics, and the dome that contrasts with the Ottoman tile works on the facade are harmoniously arranged. The Dome remains a powerful statement of Muslim ambition."


"Entrée réservée aux Musulmans, mais la façade et la coupole sont magnifiques. Monument mythique de Jérusalem."


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