Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal Taj Mahal Taj Mahal Taj Mahal Taj Mahal Taj Mahal Taj Mahal Taj Mahal Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal - Monument emblématique de l'Inde

Le Taj Mahal, également connu sous le nom de 'Couronne du Palais', est un mausolée en marbre blanc situé sur la rive droite de la rivière Yamuna à Agra, Uttar Pradesh, en Inde. Commandé en 1631 par le cinquième empereur moghol, Shah Jahan (r. 1628-1658), pour abriter la tombe de sa femme préférée, Mumtaz Mahal, il abrite également la tombe de Shah Jahan lui-même. Le tombeau est le point central d'un complexe de 17 hectares, comprenant une mosquée et une maison d'hôtes, et est entouré de jardins formels bordés sur trois côtés par un mur crénelé... Pour profiter au maximum de votre visite, rendez-vous au lever du soleil (vers 5h15), mieux que le coucher du soleil et moins fréquenté. Prix = 1300 roupies. Prenez un guide pour comprendre l'architecture et il prendra de belles photos pour vous. Prix = 1000 roupies.

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"Buy tickets online before. Earliest entry at 6am. Only small bags allowed. Entrance ticket includes bottle of water "


"1/7 merveilles du monde construit à la mort de la femme de l’empereur moghol le Shah Jahah construit ce mausolée pr accueillir le corps de sa femme "


"Need to book ticket beforehand. Queue was very short even though it was a Sunday. "


"1100 INR + 200 INR pour le mausolée "


"À faire au lever du soleil. Ouverture des portes à 6h30. Il faut acheter ses tickets avant de faire la queue pour entrer "


"Se rendre au guichet Foreigners Porte sud = sortie uniquement Guichets porte ouest et est ouverts 45min avant. Porte est moins encombré 1000 roupies. Bouteille d’eau et sur chaussons fournis Beaucoup d’objets interdits : y aller avec le strict minimum (tel + ID) Taj museum (9h30). Audio guide en français. "


"~14€, tickets online, closed on Fridays. Electronics are forbidden (apart from 1 camera and your phone). There are lockers but pay attention not to leave there things that are too valuable. Agra is known to be a place with high stealing rate. There are two point of view, the classic one with the gardens and the second one behind Taj Mahal (without the gardens but with a river and less crowd)"


"Like the pyramids this is also a tomb. Can go inside as well. If you look right across the river you can see where the ‘black’ version of the Taj Mahal was meant to be built "


"Go early to view the Taj less crowded at sunrise! Take the mausoleum option to be allowed on the marble platform 👌🏻"


"Comprate biglietto online e andate all’alba, mezz’ora prima dell’apertura. Non vale la pena di visitare l’interno del mausoleo."


"It is not the perfect picture, but it was a perfect day with you. I love you mom! Thank you for always being there when I need you (also when I don’t want to) and thank you for making one of my dreams come true! I always wanted to see one of the 7 wonders of the world and I couldn’t be more happier than having seen one of them with you, the woman that helped me to create my dreams."


"And then, the big superstar of this weekend: definitely a wonder of the modern world... Totally deserved!"


"Le Taj Mahal 😍🇮🇳 époustouflant 😳"


"One of my best picture of the today. From here you can understand that the architect of the Blue in was the one working on the in"


"Emerges in 2019 from a year-long restoration UNESCO World Heritage Only the worst cynic could fail to be moved by the beauty of the Taj, despite it being one of the world's most frequently photographed monuments. 20,000 strong workforce labored for about twenty years to produce what is simultaneously a true wonder of the world, a major expression of Indian culture, and one man's tribute to his favorite wife. This man was the indian Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. He conceived the lavish Tank Mahal complex as a mausoleum dedicated to his beloved wife of twenty years, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth. Visitors approach the building via a monumental red sandstone gateway that hints at the treasures to come — one inscription here welcomes the faithful to paradise. The main domed mausoleum stands at the end of decorative gardens, reflected beautifully in a centrally placed watercourse. A massive vision in fine white marble, it seems to float against the open sky behind it — a deliberate effect. Blinding white in the daytime heat, the marble glows red at sunset and blue in the moonlight. The four almost identical sides, the giant central dome about 240 feet (73 m) high — four lesser corner domes, and four surrounding minarets form an essay in harmonious symmetry. The mausoleum's walls shimmer with pietro dura — incredibly delicate decoration traced with gems such as lapis lazuli and amethyst-and the special acoustics of its main dome make each musical note echo five times. Inside are the false tombs of the shah and his wife, placed over real ones buried beneath. Its architecture, decoration, and Arabic calligraphy make this complex the finest example of Mughal art, fusing Indian, Persian, and Islamic influences. Other attractions include twin mosque buildings (placed symmettically on either side of the mausoleum), lovely gardens, and a museum"


"Une des 7 merveilles du monde ✨"


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