Qûtb Minâr
Qûtb Minâr Qûtb Minâr Qûtb Minâr Qûtb Minâr Qûtb Minâr Qûtb Minâr Qûtb Minâr Qûtb Minâr Qûtb Minâr
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#Monument #Visite #Visit #Architecture #Museum
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Amazing archaeological space, full of beautiful arches and architecture"


"Le Qûtb Minâr (ourdou : قطب مینار) ou Qutb Minar (« tour de la victoire ») est le minaret indien le plus haut, et le troisième mondia"


"3e plus grand minaret du monde"


"A faire au lever du soleil"


"72 meters, word’s tallest minar "


"UNESCO World Heritage The intriguing complex of structures known collectively as the Qutb Minar represents the arrival of organized Islam in the subcontinent and a radical change in the direction and form of indian culture. The main minaret echoes the Minaret of Jam in construction, but stands taller at 240 feet (73 m) it was commissioned by the Turkish slave general, tasked by the Ghurid sultan Ghiyath al-Din, to commemorate his victories against the Hindus. Initially the Indian conquests fueled the rapid expansion of the Ghurid state and enriched its cities with tribute and booty. The Ghurid sultan entrusted these rich domains, not to relatives who could become rivals for the throne, but to trusted warrior slaves who owed him personal loyalty. Slave soldiers summoned theit families from the steppes of the north and a small but powerful Islamic community was created in the region of modern Delhi. The destruction of the Ghurid state during 1221 to 1222 left the slave generals without a master, and they quickly declared themselves sultans of Delhi They were the first Islamic dynasty of India and laid the foundations for the successful Mughal State that followed. Outb Minar continues a practice of incorporating Hindu architecture as subservient pieces to Islamic construction. Here this includes the famed 23-foot- (7-m) tall Iron Pillar that probably came from a Hindu or Jain temple in Bihar. The most intriguing aspect of this piece is the remarkable purity of the iron involved 98 percent once thought impossible to achieve using the technology of the day. The main complex was further enhanced by a variety of structures after its foundation, including royal tombs and madrassas (Koran schools) by both the sultans of the slave dynasty and later Mughal rulers keen to identify with the arrival of their Islamic heritage."


"Pas possible de monter (pour ça que ça est indiqué définitivement fermé) Visite du site ok de 7h à 17h "


"minareto più alto del mondo "


"Indu e mussulmano in mezzo alla nebbia "


""How to ruin ruins". . . ."


"Minaret le plus haut du monde"


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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