Space Ninety 8 - Concept store d'Urban Outfitters
Space Ninety 8 est un concept store unique en son genre, appartenant à Urban Outfitters. Il offre une expérience de shopping exceptionnelle avec une ambiance éco-friendly. Vous y trouverez des tentes en toile et des sièges en troncs de bois, créant une atmosphère unique. Situé au-dessus du magasin Urban Outfitters, Space Ninety 8 est l'endroit idéal pour les amateurs de mode et de fringues tendance. Vous pouvez facilement trouver cet endroit sur Google Maps et profiter d'une expérience de shopping inoubliable.
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Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs
Approuvé par 5 partenaires officiels
My Secret NY
"Eco-friendly vibe at the Gorbals with canvas tents and wooden stump seating. Located above the Urban Outfitters store."
Best Concept Stores
Mamie Boude's map
Marine Etch
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Space Ninety 8
98 N 6th St, Brooklyn, NY 11249, États-Unis
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"Eco-friendly vibe at the Gorbals with canvas tents and wooden stump seating. Located above the Urban Outfitters store."
"Concept store d’urban outfitters "
"Eco-friendly vibe at the Gorbals with canvas tents and wooden stump seating. Located above the Urban Outfitters store."
"Eco-friendly vibe at the Gorbals with canvas tents and wooden stump seating. Located above the Urban Outfitters store."
"Eco-friendly vibe at the Gorbals with canvas tents and wooden stump seating. Located above the Urban Outfitters store."
"Eco-friendly vibe at the Gorbals with canvas tents and wooden stump seating. Located above the Urban Outfitters store."
"Urban outfitters et créateurs "
"Eco-friendly vibe at the Gorbals with canvas tents and wooden stump seating. Located above the Urban Outfitters store."
"Eco-friendly vibe at the Gorbals with canvas tents and wooden stump seating. Located above the Urban Outfitters store."
"Eco-friendly vibe at the Gorbals with canvas tents and wooden stump seating. Located above the Urban Outfitters store."
"Quelques marques comme urban outfitters, on peut prendre le goûter à l’étage. "
"Awesome UO shop with a rooftop bar"
"Magasin test Urban Outffiders"