Église du Saint-Sépulcre - Lieu Saint à Jérusalem
L'Église du Saint-Sépulcre, également connue sous le nom de Basilique du Saint-Sépulcre, est un monument historique majeur situé à Jérusalem. Cette église, considérée comme l'un des lieux saints les plus importants pour les Chrétiens, attire de nombreux visiteurs du monde entier. Son architecture impressionnante et sa riche histoire en font un incontournable lors de votre visite à Jérusalem. Découvrez la beauté et la spiritualité de cette chiesa unique en son genre.
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"Cette basilique est vénérée par une grande partie des chrétiens qui y vont en pèlerinage depuis le ive siècle, dépassant au début du xxie siècle le million de pèlerins par an sur les 1,9 million de visiteurs qu'accueille Israël1. Il s’agit d'un sanctuaire englobant selon la tradition le lieu de la crucifixion (le Golgotha), ainsi que la grotte où le corps du Christ fut déposé après sa mort (le Saint-Sépulcre ou tombeau de Jésus). Par inférence, c'est là qu'aurait eu lieu la résurrection (Anastasis en grec, « Résurrection »)."
"19.11.2016 | UNESCO World Heritage This site is one of the major Christian holy sites in the world, located in the northwest quarter of Jerusalem's Old City. Ancient historians describe how the site was covered with earth and a Temple of Venus was built on top, probably as part of Hadrian's reconstruction of Jerusalem. In c. 325-26 Emperor Constantine Thad the pagan temple destroyed and three connected churches were built: the Martyrium, a basilica, an open-air atrium called the Triportico that was built around the traditional Rock of Calvary; and an open-air rotunda, known as the Anastasis (Resurrection), said to be the burial site of lesus, which by the fifth century was covered by a dome. The site has been a major pilgrimage destination since the fourth century. The original church was destroyed by a Persian invasion in 614. An Egyptian ruler destroyed the rebuilt church again in 1009, and the tomb was razed to the bedrock The Crusaders rebuilt the church, resulting in what is primanly seen standing today The rotahda and the exterior of the Edicule were rebuilt in 1809-10 in the Ottoman Baroque style The current dome dates from 1870 As a religious site venerated by different Christian churches, conflicts can occur among the church's various custodians--primarily the Greek Orthodox, the Armenian Apostolic, and Roman Catholic churches and, to a lesser extent, the Coptic Orthodox, the Ethioplan Orthodox, and the Syriac Orthodox, In 2002 when a Coptic mank, who is based on the roof to express Coptic calms to the Ethiopian territory there, moved his chair from its agreed spot into the shade, a fight broke out and eleven people were hospitalized Although the site's authenticity as the burial place of Christ is disputed, this church is the last and most sacred station of the Way of the Cross."
"Pour accéder au tombeau du Christ : porter un pantalon et des manches longues. Épaules couvertes pour les femmes. Venir très tôt ou tard."
"La prima volta nel 1998 con Rocco Russo "