Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop
Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop

Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop - Restaurant, Bar, Hotel à Shoreditch

Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop est un lieu unique à Shoreditch. Vous pourrez y découvrir un restaurant proposant des plats savoureux tels que le Sunday Roast, des cocktails originaux et une vue imprenable depuis le rooftop. Le bar est également un lieu incontournable pour déguster des boissons rafraîchissantes et des cocktails créatifs. L'hôtel propose des chambres toutes différentes et une ambiance moderne et raffinée. Le rooftop est l'endroit idéal pour se détendre et profiter d'une vue panoramique sur Londres. Vous pourrez également y déguster des plats tels que la raclette ou la fondue. Venez découvrir Boundary Restaurant, Rooms & Rooftop pour une expérience inoubliable à Shoreditch.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Rooftop #Restaurant #Hotel #Drinks #Terrace
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Hidden rooftop with a nice terrasse "


"Glass Orangery Rooftop / Humus Foccacia and seabass/ Malfy Rosa Cup "


"Hidden away hotel with lush rooftop bar. Wasn’t too busy on a Sat night. Hidden gem"


"Food but disappointing probably more of a drinks place, Sam tried oysters"


"Roisin Kelly’s favorite restaurant. Seafood platters, charcuterie and fondue in the winter "


"Terence Conran's Boundary is an island of mature refinement in a sea of yoof culture. Go there for its lovely rooftop restaurant and bar, its new basement restaurant, Tantra, and its rooms furnished with modernist classics. Chef Richard McLellan has teamed up with British designer Sir Terence Conran to create a homegrown, eco-friendly menu which takes inspiration from the all-British supper clubs that McLellan used to run in his own home. In an industrial-style space in the basement of the Boundary hotel, dishes are packed with seasonal ingredients from around the British Isles – scallops fished in Cornwall, in-season game, beef from an Oxfordshire farm which butchers just one animal a week. Plus, the Wilder team curate their list of suppliers personally, from ceramics to foragers. This is a delicious place to eat, in one of Shoreditch’s coolest dining rooms – that’s right on the edge of the locally-grown, zero-waste movement."


"Azotea mi favorita de Londres. Vino y ostras al sol! Se come muy bien también el restaurante es muy agradable. "


"Superbe rooftop (fermé s’il pleut donc appeler pour vérifier). "


"The Colors of England. Keep calm and eat English Breakfast"


"Very nice rooftop for drinks, have to try restaurant"


"Great rooftop, the restaurant is not recommended"


"⭐️⭐️⭐️ Great rooftop in London. The food was alright even if the bill was a bit expensive."


"Converted Victorian warehouse, rooms and food hall with rooftop for eating drinking. The restaurant downstairs, Wilder, is all locally sour "


"Entrance in Redchurch St. - Rooftop of hotel - all day brasserie - gin&tonics"


"In addition to the distinct panorama of East London, the rooftop’s heated orangery is filled with a variety of Citrus trees."


"Très belle vue, rooftop très agréable. Plateau de fruits de mer très agréables "


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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