Nepenthe Nepenthe Nepenthe Nepenthe Nepenthe Nepenthe Nepenthe Nepenthe

Nepenthe - Restaurant et Bar avec Vue Imprenable sur la Côte

Nepenthe est situé dans l'endroit le plus magnifique de Big Sur, surplombant l'océan Pacifique. Rien que cela vaut le détour pour ce restaurant. La vue est exceptionnelle, avec presque toutes les places offrant une vue sur l'océan. Le bar, bien que ne faisant pas face à la mer, offre également une expérience agréable. Profitez d'une vue imprenable sur la côte, tout en dégustant de délicieux plats et boissons dans ce charmant restaurant et bar.

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#Restaurant #Terrasse #Ristorante #Food #Resto
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"Located along Highway 1 in Big Sur, Nepenthe is likely the most famous coastal restaurant in Northern California. First opened in 1949, the restaurant was designed by Rowan Maiden, a student of Frank Lloyd Wright, and its opening was an architectural feat. The property has a storied history with Hollywood—before it became a restaurant, it was a log cabin once owned by Orson Welles and his wife Rita Hayworth. Once the kitchen opened, it became a social hub for artists, poets and actors such as Ernest Hemingway and Clint Eastwood. As such a cultural landmark, wait times can be long and prices are pretty high here, but this is one case where we find both worth it on occasion. Happily, the food hasn't fallen by the wayside and is still reliably delicious—just go in expecting elevated cafe fare over Michelin dining. "


"Pricey, food is okay. Great view, cool stuff in the shop. "


"Circa 7 miglia (11 km) più a nord, la Henry Miller Memorial Library (%831-6672574; www .henrymiller .org; 48603 Hwy 1; h10-17 e orario prolungato per eventi particolari; W) è l’anima bohémienne di Big Sur: una biblio teca con una libreria traboccante di volumi che organizza concerti, serate a microfono aperto e film sotto le stelle. Al Nepenthe (%831-667-2345; www .nepenthebigsur .com; 48510 Hwy 1; portate principali $18-50; h11 .30-16 .30 e 17-22; vc), un locale in cima alla scogliera il cui nome significa ‘isola senza dolore’, la cucina passa in secondo piano rispetto alla vista strepitosa."


"Superbes terrasses! Prendre un café!"


"Next time make reservation & sit at bar overlooking ocean."


"Beautiful view on the coast, nice bar and restaurant"


"Magnifique vue sur Big Sur, un must de la région."


"La gente del posto e i visitatori della zona si affollano ugualmente qui, attirati dall'atmosfera estremamente rilassata creata dai proprietari originali Lolly e Bill Fassett nel 1949. A cena, prova il famoso Ambrosia Burger, o il pollo arrosto ripieno aromatizzato alla salvia - il piatto tipico di Lolly - o una varietà di antipasti vegetariani. E ovviamente la vista panoramica è stupenda. Ammiratela accomodati su una sedia nel patio - uno spazio aperto simbolo di leggerezza - oppure entrate nell'edificio principale, progettato da un allievo di Frank Lloyd Wright e ispirato allo stile del grande architetto. This unpretentious bar and grill has a truly spectacular view of the shoreline. Take in the scenery from your perch high up in the mountains while tucking into a shrimp BLT, a fancy tofu-vegetable sandwich, or Nepenthe’s “famous ambrosia burger.” The prices are a tick higher than what you find at many similar restaurants along the coast, but really, you’re paying for the scenery and mellow vibes. If you don’t want to commit to a full meal, you can always pop in for a drink and a snack on the patio. Note: Although Highway 1 is closed both north and south of this restaurant due to the landslides that buried parts of the highway this winter, Nepenthe is still open daily, for the Big Sur community and anyone who wants to make the trek up to the restaurant."


"8 miles north of awesome walk and old restaurant"


"Nepenthe Californien $$$ (2831-667-2345; 48510 Hwy1; plats déj 18-25 $, dîner 18-53 $ : 011h30-22h; (@l9(). L'"ile sans chagrin". en grec, porte bien son nom. Il est vrai que le feu qui brûle sur cette terrasse accrochée à la falaise réchaufferait les cœurs les plus tristes. La cuisine, californienne, est vite oubliée (le populaire Ambrosia Burger est plutôt bon), mais la vue et l'histoire du lieu valent le détour. Orson Welles et Rita Hayworth y avaient un bungalow dans les années 1940. Un menu enfant est proposé."


"Belle vue mais bouffe pas ouf"


"Restau tenu par la même famille depuis 1949 ; pas donné mais vu incroyable "


"Très joli concept store sous le restaurant. Aller voir la vue depuis le balcon 😍🤩"


"Scenic view. Delicious French fries. Be ready for the wait, but worth the wait for the view. You can order at the bar, faster."


"Restaurante muy bonito. Parar para ver las vistas. Nosotros tomamos café. Rico pero caro "


Approuvé par 7 partenaires officiels
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