Castle Hill Inn
Castle Hill Inn Castle Hill Inn Castle Hill Inn Castle Hill Inn Castle Hill Inn Castle Hill Inn Castle Hill Inn Castle Hill Inn
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"Amazing views and food. Must visit"


"Sit on the lawn for a cocktail / snacks - great food too if you want to eat in, great views "


"4* | 35 rooms | From $1Kpn Stuck out on a promontory in the middle of Narragansett Bay, the old Agassiz Mansion’s location was ideal for its original owner, a Harvard marine biologist. Which means it’s equally well suited for its present purpose, as the Castle Hill Inn and Resort. A short drive from Newport, it’s possibly the most impressive location on the Rhode Island coast. Which, by the transitive property of real estate, means the Castle Hill is one of the coast’s top lodgings. It spreads out over forty acres of land along a private beach, overlooking the picturesque waters of the bay. The bedrooms in the 19th-century main house are the most atmospheric, but the outlying beach houses and cottages are scarcely less stylish, with a bit more space thrown in in the bargain. In all rooms you’ll find crisp, well-maintained classic New England style, and a full complement of contemporary comforts. As with most historical properties in New England, the ultimate result is somewhere between the quirky charm of a family-owned bed and breakfast and the smooth polish of a modern luxury hotel, incorporating elements of both. Fine food and top-notch service ensure that the experience is anything but rough, while the Northeastern nautical atmosphere contributes an air of romance that the dull corporate hotels can’t hope to match."


"Amazing view, great place to grab a drink and sit outside "


"Great outdoor space with lawn chairs, sunset views -croquettes and cheese board 8/10"


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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