Lakruwana Lakruwana Lakruwana Lakruwana Lakruwana Lakruwana Lakruwana Lakruwana
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100 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Sri Lankan #Preferiti #Indian #Asian
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Entrare nel Lakruwana (%347-857-6619;; 668 Bay St, angolo Broad St; portate principali $12-14; h12-15 e 17-22 mar-ven, 12-22 sab e dom; fStaten Island) è come mettere piede in un tempio hindu. Ristorante dall’atmosfera suggestiva, ha un menu di curry, riso allo zafferano e altre squisitezze dello Sri Lanka. Da provare il ricco buffet del weekend. Non perdetevi il museo al piano terra, per ammirare oggetti cerimoniali dello Sri Lanka di squisita fattura. Il Lakruwana si trova poco meno di 2 km a sud dell’attracco dei traghetti."


"Superb buffet: Items that stood out - pork curry, devilled chicken, eggplant, pineapple curry, coconut chutney, mixed vegetable curry. Dessert - mango mousse"


"$18.95 lunch buffet Sri Lankan"


"A handful of families were scattered at tables around the restaurant, and everyone was there for the buffet, which at $17.37 (cash only!) is an undeniable deal. I donned the plastic glove provided at my seat before heading to the row of flame-warmed clay pots and loading my plate with vegetable fried rice, deviled chicken, black pork curry, caramelized eggplant, and chopped kale with coconut. arty, elaborate decorations"


"A handful of families were scattered at tables around the restaurant, and everyone was there for the buffet, which at $17.37 (cash only!) is an undeniable deal. I donned the plastic glove provided at my seat before heading to the row of flame-warmed clay pots and loading my plate with vegetable fried rice, deviled chicken, black pork curry, caramelized eggplant, and chopped kale with coconut. arty, elaborate decorations"


"Sri Lankan buffet #92"


"$15.95 all you can eat on weekends"


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