Ægir microbrewery
Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery Ægir microbrewery
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Bière #Brasserie #Pub #Brewery
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Birre tipiche (degustazione di 5 birre artigianali) "


"Ægir BrewPub is one of the biggest attractions in the area. The building is inspired by Norse mythology and reminiscent of a stave church. Inside are driftwood walls, dragon heads and a feature fireplace that radiates warmth and cosiness, with a chimney extending 9 metres through the middle of both storeys. Sit on a fur rug by the open fire and enjoy the aroma and flavour! Ægir beer is world-class and has won medals in international competitions. It all started with the beer; however, we are not stopping there. We now also produce our own aquavit, gin, Viking mead and hard seltzer! Ægir BrewPub offer beer tasting and a Viking-inspired menu that takes you on a voyage of culinary discovery 1000 years back in time. The culinary philosophy is Ægir beer in the food and with the food! Try our popular Viking inspired menu and our bestseller Ægir Viking plank – a 5 course food and beer menu. Ægir BrewPub is an open restaurant and pub all year, offering dinner "à la carte" in the evenings. During summer we also offer lunch "á la carte". Dernière mise à jour: 06/05/2022 Source: Visit Sognefjord AS "


"Quand les vikings font de la bière 🍻 🇳🇴 ."


"Salle magnifique, vraie ambiance viking ! Ribs et frites de patate douce absolument excellentes. J’y retournerais sans hésiter !"


"Brasserie locale à l'ambiance viking rock, bonne cuisine dans l'esprit scandinave et bières à découvrir ! "


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