Sukhothai Historical Park
Sukhothai Historical Park Sukhothai Historical Park Sukhothai Historical Park Sukhothai Historical Park Sukhothai Historical Park Sukhothai Historical Park Sukhothai Historical Park Sukhothai Historical Park

Sukhothai Historical Park - Découvrez ce monument historique en Thaïlande

Le parc historique de Sukhothai est un incontournable lors de votre visite en Thaïlande. Découvrez les vestiges de temples impressionnants qui témoignent de la grandeur passée de cette ancienne capitale du Siam. Classé au Patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, ce monument historique vous transporte dans l'histoire riche et fascinante de la Thaïlande. Profitez de la beauté de la vieille ville de Sukhothai, préservée et splendide, en évitant les foules de touristes en vous rendant tôt le matin pour une expérience authentique et immersive.

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"site archéologique, vestige de temple impressionnant "


"Ruines, louer un vélo à l’entrée du parc "


"UNESCO World Heritage Sukhothar was the first Thai kingdom. Its premier city, also called Sukhothai, was established in 1238 by King Sri Indraditya, after he led the territory to independence from the Khmer occupiers. The city was created to celebrate the victory of the king and his people and to symbolize his vision that they would never again be ruled by the Khmer. Today the remains of that ancient city have been made into a historical pack, a huge complex that contains more than 200 venerable buildings. The architecture at Sukhothai is a blend of styles; mixing Buddhist art with elements of pagan, Khmer, and Sri Lankan architecture. There are a large number of temples and palaces at the site, including the Royal Palace and the equally regal Wat Mahathat, or Temple of the Great Relic, commissioned by Sri indraditya. The temple was constructed of bricks and Khmer laterite with decorations in additional local laterite. A colossal seated Buddha with his hands in the traditional bhumisparsa mudra position is enshrined in the pillared hall of the Wat Mahathat. The other temples; mostly dedicated to Theravada Buddhism, were built in laterite and covered with stucco. They are typified by Totus bud' stupas, so-called because of the way they begin with a wide base and taper off to a point. Sukhothal is one of the most important historic sites in Thailand, not only for its monumental size-which requires two: moats and three walls to encompass it — but for its inimitable heritage. This ancient city is the physical memory of the kingdom that became modern-day Thailand, a country with a unique religious, artistic, and social history. A project for an international campaign was adopted by UNESCO in 1977 and a 27-square-mile (20-sq-km) area was declared a historic park in 1988. The Historic Town of Sukhothal and Associated Historic Towns became a UNESCO Warld Heritage site in 1991."


"Eine der eindrucksvollsten historischen Stätten des Landes schickt ihre Besucher rund 800 Jahre in die Vergangenheit. Bei Radtouren durch die Ruinen der früheren Hauptstadt kurvt man an Tempeln, anmutigen Buddhastatuen und fischreichen Teichen vorbei. Tolle Museen und Unterkünfte mit super Preis-Leistungs- Verhältnis runden das Paket ab. Zudem wirkt Sukhothai fast nie überfüllt. Unbekannter ist der nahegelegene Geschichtspark Si Satchanalai-Chaliang: Dort erklimmt man uralte Treppen eventuell sogar ganz allein."


"Ciudad histórica en ruinas más pequeña. A 6 horas en bus desde Ayutthaya"


"A UNESCO World Heritage site, the ancient city should definitely be somewhere you explore when in Thailand."


"Entree du parc 2,75€ par personne. Supplément si entrée en vélo "


"Temple thaïlandais en ruine "


"Bello da girare in bicicletta"


"Sukhothai,Thaïlande - L’ancienne ville Royal ."


"Magnifique site historique de Sukhothai, de style Khmer."


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