Locanda Vini & Olii
Locanda Vini & Olii Locanda Vini & Olii Locanda Vini & Olii Locanda Vini & Olii Locanda Vini & Olii Locanda Vini & Olii Locanda Vini & Olii Locanda Vini & Olii Locanda Vini & Olii
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315 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Italian #Italien #Italien 🇮🇹 #Dinner
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Incredible Italian food in an old pharmacy. Lots of good Negroni options. Definitely get a reservation beforehand. "


"A century-old former drugstore converted into a vintage space serving Northern Italian cuisine."


"Chris said best Italian spot "


"reco Stylist - italian - very good"


"LOCANDA VINI E OLII (2001) This repurposed pharmacy set the tone for what every trendy Italian restaurant in Brooklyn would soon emulate: small, thoughtful pastas; rustic Tuscan mains, and a wine list of excel lent small producers. 129 Gates Ave, locandany.com"


"LOCANDA VINI E OLII (2001) This repurposed pharmacy set the tone for what every trendy Italian restaurant in Brooklyn would soon emulate: small, thoughtful pastas; rustic Tuscan mains, and a wine list of excel lent small producers. 129 Gates Ave, locandany.com"


"Recommandé par 300 raisons d’aimer NY p.251"


"roasted lamb casserole, and a long list of distinctive pastas, like sage pappardelle with herb-braised rabbit."


"A century-old former drugstore converted into a vintage space serving Northern Italian cuisine."


"A century-old former drugstore converted into a vintage space serving Northern Italian cuisine."


"A century-old former drugstore converted into a vintage space serving Northern Italian cuisine."


"A century-old former drugstore converted into a vintage space serving Northern Italian cuisine."


"A century-old former drugstore converted into a vintage space serving Northern Italian cuisine."


"A century-old former drugstore converted into a vintage space serving Northern Italian cuisine."


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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