Fraunces Tavern
Fraunces Tavern Fraunces Tavern Fraunces Tavern Fraunces Tavern Fraunces Tavern Fraunces Tavern Fraunces Tavern Fraunces Tavern

Fraunces Tavern - Le plus ancien restaurant et bar historique à New York City

Situé à New York City, Fraunces Tavern est le plus ancien restaurant et bar de la ville. Depuis 1762, cet établissement historique a été témoin de nombreux événements marquants de l'histoire américaine. George Washington lui-même a fait un discours célèbre dans ce lieu emblématique. Aujourd'hui, Fraunces Tavern propose une expérience unique mêlant restaurant, bar et musée. Dégustez des plats de pub authentiques, profitez d'un brunch savoureux et assistez à des concerts en direct. Ne manquez pas l'opportunité de visiter le musée situé à l'étage supérieur, où vous pourrez en apprendre davantage sur l'histoire fascinante de cet endroit. Que vous soyez amateur de bonne cuisine, de cocktails raffinés ou d'histoire, Fraunces Tavern saura vous séduire. Réservez dès maintenant votre table dans ce ristorante historique et découvrez l'atmosphère unique de ce lieu chargé d'histoire.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Ristorante #Museum #American #Beer
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"taverna storica frequentata da George Washington"


"With well-suited Wall Street financiers strutting by, this early Ameri can tavern appears out of time and place. And it is. But what happened here laid the groundwork for the modern-day Financial District and closed the book on the Revolutionary War. Frances Tavern was once the fashionable place for polite gentlemen to dine. And on Evacuation Day in 1783, when British soldiers finally left America, it was in this windowed Long Room that General George Washington bade farewell to his officers. The toast marked a heartfelt end to the Revolutionary War and the start of American self-governance. You can imagine the long, wooden tables overflowing with food and tankards of ale, the worn Windsor chairs populated with celebratory generals. The Long Room is just one of the highlights at this museum devoted to Colonial America. Visit the stylish Federalist dining room, where the wallpaper tells a story. One of only 11 surviving examples of this pattern by Zuber, the venerable French wallpaper company, the 1838 hand block print begins with a standard landscape that is lush and colorful. Then the client chose what other imagery they wished to be added to the foreground. Here you will see figures from the Revolutionary War. So prized are these personalized wallpapers that Jackie Kennedy added a Zuber set to the White House in 1961. Other objects offer simple delights, like the diminutive, gold silk slipper worn by Martha Washington. Spot-lit in its own glass case, the pointed toe and rhinestone buckle seem fashion-forward. Nearby, a suite of early American flags line a double-height brick wall. You will notice how the design and colors for the flag developed over time on the State, Union, and French Regiment examples. Then for some early American fun, you can don one of the Revolutionary War costumes on hand, and pose in front of a vintage flag for a colonial-style selfie."


"Lovely little piano bar upstairs "


"plus ancien bar et resto de NY"


"Lots of history here. “The oldest bar in NY” or something like that. It has great vibes and multiple rooms depending on how you are feelin"


"J’ai pris des fish and chips et Arthur le tavern burger. Conseillé par nycexplore, créé en 1762"


"Efrem. Il ristorante più antico di New York"


"Haut lieu de la Révolution Taverne historique rénovée dont le passé est lié à George Washington, proposant des plats de pub et des concerts."


"Food wasn’t good but I’d go back to the piano room for drinks!"


"Old historical colonial tavern, and food was actually quite good. Got the blackened salmon sandwich"


"Discours adieu Washington "


"traité de Washington signé "


"Ancient building pre-revolution where George Washtington met with revolutionaries. Also a great feeling of super narrow streets and super tall buildings"


"Taverna più antica di NY 1762 Giada Pellizzari "


"George Washington partied here"


"Great whiskey cocktails/ haunted/ best to sit at the whiskey bar "


"Oldest tavern in NYC, very good"


"20aine de bière pressions, beaucoup brassés maison, Georges Washington y a dit adieu à ses troupes 1783 Cheminée "




"Revolutionaries gathered here to drink and plan, piano bar upstairs ($30 min spend pp)"


"piano bar & live music upstairs "


"old tavern famous for its revolutionary customers Washington bid farewell to his troups here Atlas Obscura "


"George Washington drank here. Cute intimate little whiskey bar"


"Ristorante più antico di NY (fish & chips)"


"Ristorante più antico di New York. Consigliato da Il Signor Franz su un video su YouTube "


"tuffo nella storia Americana. porto dove doveva arrivare il titanic"


"Plus vielle taverne de New York "


"Plus vieux restaurant de New-York "


"Dating back to 1762, Fraunces Tavern doesn’t look a day over 259. In addition to modern conveniences like indoor plumbing, its distinct spaces serve as a one-stop-shop for a few different photo-ops: grab a beer at the main bar, sip Brenne beside the fireplace in the whiskey room or post up outside the landmarked building for wine and cocktails. "


"Uno dei ristoranti più antichi di Manhattan "


"Uno dei ristoranti più antichi di Manhattan "


"Musée à l’étage d’un restaurant sur la guerre de l’indépendance. Dent de Washington. 7$ entrée etudiants"


"Historic Restaurant and Whiskey Bar. "


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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