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382 utilisateurs

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Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Experencia 10/10. Comida, bebida, y servicio excelente. 8 pasos suficiente."


"Sala de Laura à l’étage plus abordable "


"I ate an ant here once. it was part of the dish though. very interesting use of Amazonian flavors in a multi-course meal. however, without previous exposure to such flavors, it may be difficult to appreciate. given that the 10-course meal with a wine pairing was $200/person in Bogota, Colombia itself, the experience comes at a steep price. I will abstain from ranking since my palate was not suited for fine dining at the time. but my colleagues loved it"


"The food at Leo is found all over Colombia, often times being sourced from indigenous areas, deep within the jungle. Dishes include caiman, fermented corn, pirarucu (a massive Amazonian fish) tongue, ants and a wide variety of plants, herbs, and nuts that are new to most. Importantly though, the food is excellent. The staff shines as well. They are friendly and far from stuffy - and for those whose Spanish is “más o menos” they are happy to translate. One of the more unique and fascinating meals I’ve ever had. Well worth the visit."


"Élu meilleur table du monde 2022"


"Chef Leonor Espinosa - meilleure chef du monde 2022"


"Un World’s Best 50 Restaurants, à raison ! Un vrai voyage culinaire autour de la Colombie, un service à la fois drôle et minutieux, des vins étrangers très bien pricés, des cocktails originaux qui représentent bien chaque grand terroir colombien : un MUST ! "


"World 50 Best | La Liste Cheffe Leonor Espinosa c€60 > “among the best dinner of our life”, Nath&Laura"


"Latin America’s best female chef - Menu 12-13 services "


"Columbia food. Dinner. High end. Prix fixe. Got great review "


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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