Don Alfonso 1890
Don Alfonso 1890 Don Alfonso 1890 Don Alfonso 1890 Don Alfonso 1890 Don Alfonso 1890 Don Alfonso 1890 Don Alfonso 1890 Don Alfonso 1890 Don Alfonso 1890

Don Alfonso 1890 - Restaurant étoilé Michelin avec cave à vins exceptionnelle

Situé à Don Alfonso 1890, un prestigieux ristorante et hôtel, vous serez enchanté par l'expérience gastronomique offerte. Ce restaurant étoilé Michelin se distingue par sa cuisine délicieuse et créative, mettant en valeur des produits locaux de qualité. Laissez-vous séduire par une carte des vins exceptionnelle, comprenant des crus rares et prestigieux. L'ambiance chaleureuse et l'accueil attentionné des hôtes font de Don Alfonso 1890 un lieu incontournable pour les amateurs de fine gastronomie et de vins d'exception.

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"Cantina vini sole 24 ore 5 aprile 2021"


"1 stella per la sostenibilità 🍀 "


"Only the locals call it Massa Lubrense, for all the others it is Sant’Agata dei Due Golfi, a hamlet that is a part of Massa and that has somewhat stolen its spot on geographic and culinary maps. In fact, Don Alfonso 1890 is located here. A two-star Michelin restaurant, farm, boutique hotel and a perfect illustration of southern flavors taken up a notch. If certain dishes and ingredients of the region are now considered haute cuisine, it is thanks to them. In the kitchen, the father Alfonso Iaccarino handed the reins to his son Ernesto who enriched the traditional dishes on the menu with new creations. Among the signature dishes you’ll find paccheri (elevated here to fine dining), the legendary pasta, clams and zucchini; the Vesuvius of macaroni, and other creations such as the reinterpretation of fried egg with burrata and black truffle or eel ice cream, Oscetra caviar, pasta with hints of rose, vegetable sauce and organic egg yolk. A piece of Italian cuisine’s history in constant evolution, with incredible presentation and wine list."


"1 Michelin star 2024 (down from 2) Cooking classes / €170-190 / The Iaccarino family take the very best from the perfumed fertile land situated between the sky and the sea. With its pink walls, colonnades and terraces above the Gulfs of Naples and Salerno, Don Alfonso dips its tœs in the Mediterranean. The fruit, vegetables and meat are selected according to a biodynamic farming system, accompanied by herbs and virgin olive oil produced on the family farm."


"Considéré comme le meilleur restaurant d’Italie du Sud."


Approuvé par 4 partenaires officiels
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