Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - Cinéma et Bar à Brooklyn, NY
L'Alamo Drafthouse Cinema est un cinéma emblématique situé à Brooklyn, NY, offrant une expérience cinématographique incomparable. Avec sept écrans, ce lieu propose une atmosphère unique avec son bar 'House of Wax' présentant des sculptures médicales vintage, des curiosités et des répliques de célébrités, le tout accompagné d'une large sélection de bières pression et de cocktails. Doté d'une politique stricte 'no talking, no texting', l'Alamo est l'endroit idéal pour les passionnés de cinéma qui prennent les films au sérieux. Que ce soit pour assister à des projections spéciales de films underground, découvrir un blockbuster ou participer à des marathons thématiques, l'Alamo Drafthouse Cinema saura vous séduire. Cette enseigne originaire d'Austin a conquis New York avant de s'implanter à Los Angeles ou Chicago, témoignant de son succès. Idéalement situé en plein cœur de Downtown Brooklyn, à proximité de toutes les lignes de métro, l'Alamo vous plonge dans une ambiance unique dès votre arrivée. Ne manquez pas le bar 'House of Wax' pour une expérience mémorable, et laissez-vous surprendre par les expositions d'objets médicaux insolites. Réputé pour ses projections spéciales animées par des célébrités, l'Alamo reste l'adresse incontournable pour les amateurs de cinéma en quête de divertissement. Que vous souhaitiez déguster quelques bières tout en visionnant les derniers blockbusters hollywoodiens ou profiter d'un service de restauration complet pendant la séance, l'Alamo Drafthouse Cinema a su réinventer l'expérience cinématographique sans perturber le public. Réservez dès maintenant pour vivre une expérience cinématographique inoubliable à l'Alamo Drafthouse Cinema !
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Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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"Very cool cinema where you can recline, order food and drinks. "
"A fan favorite chain, the Alamo Drafthouse offers seven screens, the "House of Wax" bar, which showcases vintage medical sculptures of body parts, oddities and replicas of celebrities with dozens of drafts and cocktails, and a "no talking, no texting" policy. The place is for fans who take films seriously — if you show up late, you cannot enter the theater. Alamo is good for dropping in for special screenings of underground films, catching a blockbuster, or enjoying themed marathons. This Austin import branched out to New York before it ever did in LA or Chicago, a further reminder that we rule and everyone else drools. It's centrally located in Downtown Brooklyn near every imaginable train, and while seeing a movie inside a mall may make you feel like you’re in the suburbs, once you take the elevator up all that all disappears; you’ll be greeted by an enormous King Kong and plenty of craft beer at the creepy House of Wax bar (go in the back to see the really gruesome medical oddities on display). The Alamo is known for its specialty screenings of both new and old movies, oftentimes hosted by celebrities. But this is still the place to go when you want to down a few brews and see the newest Hollywood action picture. If you've never gone to a theater where waiters bring you drinks and snacks (or even a meal) during the movie, know that this is the chain that cracked the code on how to do it without being disruptive."
"A fan favorite chain, the Alamo Drafthouse offers seven screens, the "House of Wax" bar, which showcases vintage medical sculptures of body parts, oddities and replicas of celebrities with dozens of drafts and cocktails, and a "no talking, no texting" policy. The place is for fans who take films seriously — if you show up late, you cannot enter the theater. Alamo is good for dropping in for special screenings of underground films, catching a blockbuster, or enjoying themed marathons. This Austin import branched out to New York before it ever did in LA or Chicago, a further reminder that we rule and everyone else drools. It's centrally located in Downtown Brooklyn near every imaginable train, and while seeing a movie inside a mall may make you feel like you’re in the suburbs, once you take the elevator up all that all disappears; you’ll be greeted by an enormous King Kong and plenty of craft beer at the creepy House of Wax bar (go in the back to see the really gruesome medical oddities on display). The Alamo is known for its specialty screenings of both new and old movies, oftentimes hosted by celebrities. But this is still the place to go when you want to down a few brews and see the newest Hollywood action picture. If you've never gone to a theater where waiters bring you drinks and snacks (or even a meal) during the movie, know that this is the chain that cracked the code on how to do it without being disruptive."
"Excellent movie theater with pre-shows and food/drink available during."