Ci Siamo
Ci Siamo Ci Siamo Ci Siamo Ci Siamo Ci Siamo Ci Siamo Ci Siamo Ci Siamo Ci Siamo
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510 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Italian #Italien #Dinner #Pasta
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Idk my buddy’s boss went there. Sounds like he’s loaded and very Italian. "


"#13 on NYTimes best of 2024 list"


"Free red wine in elevator "


"try the gnocco fritto next time had: focaccia, caramelized onion torta, rapini pasta, rigatoni pasta —> all of it was amazing"


"Carmelized onion tart, focaccia, biztecca "


"free red wine in the elevator "


"Honestly this place is fire and I come here with the company a lot."


"Get the caramelized onion tart"


"Go in the elevator for free wine?!"


"Complimentary wine in the elevator! "


"Get the caramelized onion torte!"


"good reviews, was going to go there with Barbara in Oct 2022"


"good reviews, was going to go there with Barbara in Oct 2022"


"Looks good- need to try focaccia and pasta "


"Great ambiance, wouldn’t run back for the food "


"VERY boujee reservation only place, great apps - good food and special cocktails. Would not be able to afford but was cool"


"Incredible design, delicious pasta, cocktails and everything. Also does lunch"


"Ravioli was so good and so was my drink. Was packed but vibes and decor were cute"


"everything is so good Onion torte is fabulous "


"Italiaans, aanrader volgens condé nast "


"Brand new Italian restaurant that’s supposed to be bomb "


"Grub Street Rec. onion tart, foacaccia, roast chicken"


"Cuisine italienne propre classe et simple"


"Cuisine italienne de qualité, poissons, viandes, légumes et pâtes "


"Italian-inspired dishes uses wood-fired cooking as its foundation for comforting dishes reminiscent of what she’d serve guests at her home. Amazing !!! "


"Apparently very good pasta"


"Stylish restaurant offering high-end Mediterranean standards, plus a wine list & cocktails. Danny Meyer"


"So now at Ci Siamo—the latest addition to Danny Meyer’s Union Square Hospitality Group that opened this week—Sterling is taking that passion to a multi-level, wood-fired grill situated at the center of the restaurant as the spot’s executive chef. There, she will turn out comforting Italian fare that tastes like the type of food she would cook at home or on the road with her small grill set-up, just dialed up several notches"


"Hillary Sterling is the chef. Snacks in bar area. Opens Oct. 12,2021"


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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